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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.40494680 [View]
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You know it's true.

>> No.39629838 [View]
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Am I being trolled?

>> No.37858634 [View]
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I don't want to get all political now, but history books are written by the winners and you shouldn't believe what they teached you in school so easily.
I'll just say that there are contradictions in the official story as well as reports of jews being shipped from Germany to the US with no known records of their arrival.

>> No.37713584 [View]
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You retards would literally eat shit if someone fed it to you. You're like sheep, mindlessly following after your shepherd even if he may lead you into pit filled to the brim with human feces and cum.

I really don't know what to do with you. Am I the only oldfag left who still values the traditions of not making early threads or removing part of the OP because you feel like it?
How come somebody makes a new thread, way too early and with a deliberately lacking OP, openly mocking you all right into your faces, and you just begrudgingly follow along? Maybe complain once and post your scorpion charm in childish retaliation?

I'm about to give up hope, this place might be beyond saving at this point.

>> No.37372366 [View]
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That's a normalfag cope. Being engulfed by the mass and feeling apart of something bigger only gives you so much pleasure.
Once you're alone and realize that, between switching from twitter to facebook to comedy central and back to twitter on your smartphone (I hate people who unironically use the word smartphone) there is nothing left to do in your life, it all comes crashing down.
And don't expect your normalfag "friends" to help you then. They're too busy putting everyone and everything that may make them realize the norhingness in their life into a mental filter which would make the biggest schizo proud, and ignore you as soon as you stop sending them positive feedback and energy.
Normalfags are sick from the getgo and there is no turning back once you've abandoned your individuality.

>> No.36722367 [View]
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I feel ambivalent towards Sotsugou. On one hand, I really, really like ryu07. Seeing him happy and excited like a child in his interviews, mischievously happy to surprise his audience, makes me wish he'll be successful in his endeavors.
But on the other hand I just can't defend Sotsugou as a whole. Some parts of Gou are okay, some even good, but the entirety of Sotsu so far has been a major disappointment.
It's hard, being a fan.

>> No.36517867 [View]
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Then what do you recommend? Reading higurashi without sprites? Because if being goofy is your main concern with the steam sprites you couldn't possibly think about recommending ryu07's original sprites instead.

>> No.36467478 [View]
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Oh shit that's actually a really good theory.
God I hope ryukishi still has it in him to come up with a twist like that...

>> No.36405936 [View]
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>I am not the one that took it down

>> No.36306935 [View]
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You know what's the worst thing about this latest 07th "meme"?
Anons use reddit tier jokes about phoneposting, normalizing spelling errors to make this place more accessible to newfags and normalfags.
I don't even know if it's intentional anymore or if we already have so many reddit tourists here that they actually believe this is funny.

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