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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.15744890 [View]
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So I've heard I should use a happy bed, so I've been carrying it around ever since I wished for it, everytime I'm sleepy I just drop it on the ground and go to sleep right there, as long as I'm in a safe area, that is. Is this the way to do it? Also, can I make it lighter than the 31s it weights right now?

>> No.10040187 [View]
File: 986 KB, 350x237, 1348905385017.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/a/ seems to be upset with you're choice of insults.

Here is an updated list based on the consensus of the boards questioned.


/v/ - Consolefag, Le, Shitposter, Weaboo, Jrpg, Casual
/vg/ - Casual
/vp/ - Faggot, Nostalgiafag, Aspie, Hoennbabby
/jp/ - Turbonerd, Niwaka, Sperglord, 3DPD, Nerd, Normal
/a/ - Autist, /v/ermin, Slut
/r9k/ - Normalfag, Beta
/b/ - Niggers
/cgl/ - Virgin, Landwhale
/fit/ - DYEL, Manlet, Landwhale, Gyno
/tv/ - Pleb
/x/ - Disinfo Agent, Skeleton
/k/ - Kid, Noguns, Mall ninja
/mu/ - Pleb
/pol/ - Amerifat, JIDF, Libtard, Concervitard, Jew, Nigger, Americlap, Cis Male.
/trv/ - Amerifat
/ck/ - Amerifat
/int/ - Amerifat
/co/ - Tumblr
/fa/ - Pleb, Autist
/sp/ - Beta, Nerd, Virgin
/lit/ - Pleb
/sci/ - Retard
/tg/ - Neckbeard
/g/ - Macfag, Gentoo

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