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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.7705860 [View]
File: 354 KB, 800x600, hinamizawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I fucking give up. Just ROT13 this:

Gur fvghngvba vf guvf:
Va gur ortvaavat, jr cynlrq va gur byq /wc/ ivyyntr (cvpgherq). Rirelguvat jnf hafgehpgherq, jr unq ab gbja jnyyf, ab ivyyntr pynvz, bayl n srj crbcyr unq crefbany pynvzf, naq jr jrer evtug arkg gb n evire naq pybfr gb bgure gbjaf. Arrqyrff gb fnl, gur ivyyntr jnf envqrq, naq fbzrgvzr yngre n crefba pnzr ol naq enaqbzyl xvyyrq ivyyntref gung jrer bayvar ng gur gvzr.

Gura pnzr gur cyna gb zbir. N ohapu bs crbcyr zbirq gb n enaqbz bgure cynpr, ohg Ibvyr sbhaq n orggre cynpr pybfr gb Veba Phegnva, juvpu VVEP vf n /gt/ ivyyntr? Ur jnf cbvagrq gurer ol n sevraq anzrq Nerf. Zbfg /wc/ref gura zbirq gb gur arj ivyyntr, Nbxvtnunen.

Nbxvtnunen jnf qrirybcvat jryy, ohg Nerf oebhtug gjb (be zber?) sevraqf, Hapyr Cuvy naq FcvqreX, jub jrer yrff sevraqyl guna nqiregvfrq. Gurl xvyyrq na naablvat arjovr, gura cebprrqrq gb orng qbja rirelobql jub qvqa'g yvfgra gb gurz, abgnoyl gur sbk ung vapvqrag jrer fbzrbar jnf orngra hc fvzcyl sbe jrnevat n sbk ung naq ershfvat gb gnxr vg bss. Nebhaq gur fnzr gvzr, Ibvyr qrpvqrq gung Nbxvtnunen jnf trggvat gbb znal arj cynlref naq qrfgeblrq uvf Urnegu Sver fb arj cynlref pbhyqa'g wbva (npghnyyl gurl fgvyy pbhyq, ol hfvat IQM'f Urnegu Sver). Srq hc jvgu gur "cebgrpgbef" naq jnagvat gb perngr n cynpr jurer arjovrf jrer serr gb wbva, IQM tngurerq gur zngrevnyf sbe n cnyvfnqr naq urnqrq fbhgujneqf gb sbhaq n arj ivyyntr: Uvanzvmnjn.

Whfg n fubeg juvyr ntb (>>7698122), Nerf dhvg naq Nbxvtnunen'f "cebgrpgbef" fgnegrq envqvat Nbxvtnunen. Crbcyr sebz Nbxvtnunen rvgure dhvg, orpnzr urezvgf be zbirq gb Uvanzvmnjn.

V qba'g xabj zhpu nobhg gur pheerag fgnghf bs Uvanzvmnjn.

It took me well over half an hour to get this shit posted. Dammit.

>> No.7661593 [View]
File: 354 KB, 800x600, hinamizawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continued from >>7655692

In the character creation room, go to the guy in the corner and right-click him. He'll ask you for a hearth secret; enter 'Lemuria'. A set of stairs to our village will then appear in the corner. Aokigahara is Voile's older village, the village where you spawn is called 'Hinamizawa'. It is recommended you read some beginner's guides when starting.

Wiki: http://ringofbrodgar.com/wiki/Haven_and_Hearth_Wiki
Aokigahara map: http://algeralith.info/HavenMap/?x=6&y=71&zoom=9
Hinamizawa map: http://algeralith.info/HavenMap/?x=14&y=120&zoom=9
Aokigahara forum: http://s4.zetaboards.com/aokigahara/index/

>> No.7659441 [View]
File: 354 KB, 800x600, 1311563252207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Hinamizawa palisade has been finished!

As Voile is no longer accepting new players in Aokigahara and I personally do not like being raided by our "protectors", I have created a new village for /jp/ posters who are unsatisfied with Aokigahara and people who are refused entry there.

-We are currently starting out, so there isn't much yet.
-We have a complete palisade. Keys are stored inside the village; take one with you when you go out or let someone else close the door after you leave. Please don't hog the keys, but only take them when you need them.
-There is no village claim, as I'm unable to make one. You'll have to travel to Hinamizawa by boat (roughly 45 minutes).
-As there is no village claim, I have used my personal claim to protect the entire village. Trespassing, stealing and vandalism is on for whoever knows my hearth secret (Lemuria). Unfortunately, this means no personal claims inside the palisade. I will declaim the area once we get a village claim (if we ever get one).
-We are quite a distance away from the nearest river, so you have to walk a bit whenever you go out.
-Soil quality is 20.
-There are no apple/birch/etc trees anywhere close, only fir and pine.
-There is swamp, heathland and mountain close by.
-There is no planned layout, build wherever you like.
-Any /jp/ poster is welcome here.

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