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>> No.45112348 [View]
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Movie night with the Getsus!
You're on duty to make it a comfy night!
Mugetsu insists on trying to help with the food!
She keeps messing up the simplest things because her mind and ideas of what a maid does and how to fulfill such duties are as developped as a child's!
You remain empathetic and walk on eggshells throughout the preparation of the snacks and the couch, as even if Mugetsu's not quite as rough as her sister, you DON'T want to get on her bad side!
Genge is getting a little impatient so you offer her a GBA in the meantime so that she can calm her nerves! The hastiness of the situation got you to leave Genge with whatever was on the GBA when you last played it, which happens to be Super Mario Advance 3! Genge won't do! Where's the ferocity? Where's the thrills? After a sloppy jump leading to her doom, she would proceed to then your precious GBA to its own doom! You didn't even think it was possible to break a console like that in half with bare hands, but she made it look like child's play!
Trying to remain as composed as you can depsite the ever so increasing amount of sweat on your face, you apologize to Genge and hurry to find the most gruesome games you can find! Something that's straight to the point in its horror as well! Eventually, you settle on Splatterhouse, and luckily for you, Genge neither seems to be able to read your inner fear that well, for she's not that accustomed to humans visiting her side of the dream world, and she's quite entertained by the spectacle of gore she's taking a part of!
This buys you just enough time to head back to Muge, fix all the... let's say, original ideas she's had for snacks, such as a bowl of blood sauce from what your fearful mind can only assume was a poor visitor that unknowingly dared to run straight into the fiery mess of these devilish sisters! With that same empathy and use of popular culture so that Mugetsu believes you, since that's almost all of what's cultivated her interest towards becoming a maid, you manage to salvage that whole bowl into a conventional mix of popcorn and chips!
Returning to Genge with Muge, you find her focused on the screen, somehow having managed somewhat composed despite the game challenging her quite a bit. It's a wonder that Genesis controller's still alive... Mugetsu, being much less into the gory mess on screen and much more willing to tell Genge about it, goes on to complain about it! What follows is the usual sisterly quarrel that happens in every family, were it not for the fact that these siblings also happen to be frighteningly powerful.
You cower in fear and immediately take cover in the nearest table! You could almost appreciate the fireworks display if your life wasn't on the line, for one of Genge's mighty lasers just barely grazed you! That table you were hiding behind? Half of it got evaporated! Even a little bit of your shoe got caught into it, and you can't even see remnants of it on the floor! Thankfully, this was the only close call on your side, and what felt like a day long apocalypse soon came to its end, with Genge coming out victorious.
Merciless as they are, even the two sisters' clothes hadn't been spared, leaving you with quite the fancy sight, were it not for the fact that the sheer amount of tension you were under practically brought you back to your senses and got you to bring the two some new clothes practically on instinct! You do kind of hope these flashes of bare skins and refined bodies are burned hard enough into your memories for the much more accomodating baku can let you enjoy thinking about what you'd do to them, granted, you've never been a huge fan of that strange dream lady either, always seems like she's making fun of you...
Either way, with Genge coming out as the victor of that glorified tantrum, she ultimately had the say on what the three of you watched: She wanted something just as gruesome as the game you got her. With little time to think as you dreaded the consequences of too much hesitation, you settled on the Saw movies.
Genge was satisfied, Muge snacked on the food the two of you had prepared and kept to herself well enough, and just like that, a night had passed, and you woke up, more exhausted than when you fell asleep, ready to tackle something nearly as terrifying as these hellish creatures: The daily grind that is life.

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