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>> No.46487667 [View]
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>Perhaps the biggest loss for me is the tone and wittiness of the dialogue.
Funny, I always think I lament that the most. I think I write out a half-baked ramble on how it's clearly written for comedy more than anything, then realise I don't have an endpoint and delete it all though.
If you ask me, the lynchpin of the whole thing is his increasing dependance on straight, unfiltered mythology. There are obvious parallels with christianity and hell with Makai in the 98 universe, but it's heavily filtered through a fantastical lens until it's more or less it's own thing Even if Shinki and Yumeko are ripped from SMT or something. Makai is it's own place, open to the imagination, that somehow has a frozen burning lake and germanic fairytale area mixed in with bizzare abstract geometry in Pandaemonium.
Now look at 19 or TD. Both of these games lean heavily on very specific figures (Prince Shotacon-whatever and an anime girl chupacabra because why not), and they have very little "original" content. The story of TD is how some guy caused trouble by suddenly appearing in Gensokyo. The story of MS is some whacky trip to beat up a fucking fallen angel devil god woman because of some insane reason (Yooks in the shrine? Genocide is the answer! Magicland wide open to have it's secrets robbed? Let me bring an extra pair of hands! I'm bored, let's go fuck up some aliens lol). In comparison, no one in the 98 universe really has any direct parallels with anything (Other than Shinki and Sariel, but it's admittedly pretty loose beyond the imagery so I'll give it a pass.), and therefore you have a much more unique character at the end of it.) On top of that the danmaku has gotten pretty lazy. I have nothing but hearsay to back that up, but I consistently have shitloads of fun in LLS and MS and not so much in either HSiFS or LoLK (Although it might just be because I'm shit at both of those games).
It might just be me being a weird contrarian though, so take all of this with a heaping tablespoon of salt. I'm one fag on the internet with an opinion, and those are ten a penny for a reason.

He changes a bunch of the things I really like about the games, so I don't think I'd grind out anything on his remake even if it was public. I like *most* of the tracks, but the visuals are all soft and don't have the same contrast that the bitcrushed originals do. One of the major reasons I tend to dislike later titles is because they have a whole lot more unnecessary stuff flashing around on the screen, which he has also done. That's just nitpicking on my part though, and I probably would still play them if they got released, and maybe I'd change my mind even. Until that's possible though I'll hold my line on this and let my gut inform me on this one.

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