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>> No.21655466 [View]
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>People who drop out of society because of some social anxiety or mental disorder aren't hikkis, because those people deep down desperately want to be a part of the real world, they're just unable to do so.

Are you fucking retarded? you obviously are confusing hikikomori with peter pan syndrome hikikomori is not the same as being an autistic lazy Neet who refuses to grow up and get a job because muh wageslave meme wawwwwhhhhhhhhhh hikikomori is a psychological disorder many people end up as hikikomori and dropout of mainly due to social issues like bullying at school or failure to hold down a job as well as some social anxiety or other mental disorder like depression hikikomori want to work and be apart of society but they cant because of their mental health issues and personal problems that keep holding them back from being able to be productive members of society you are just a piece of shit peter pan who doesn't like leaving the house you are not hikikomori because you watched fucking Welcome To The NHK or No Game No Life and thought OHHHhhhh THATZ SOOOOO MEEE LOLOLOLOL no these people are real people with real problems and weeaboos like you are disrespectful to people in Japan and elsewhere who actually suffer with the disorder.

>The last time I left my house was because of an ear infection a few years back. I'm fully capable of going outside, I just see no reason to

Then you have no excuse also do some research hikikomori doesn't mean not leaving your house it means not leaving your bedroom in your parents house.

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