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>> No.45567549 [View]
File: 82 KB, 850x579, __yakumo_yukari_touhou_drawn_by_kame_kamepan44231__sample-4b0d7072aeccf7041ed3f6ed74d0c03e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Past visits from Yukari had not had such pleasantries, rather, they had been outright assaults that put some of my worst visitors to shame. So why was she behaving normally now? Even with how numb I'd grown to torture, my brain began to whirl with tension. Was this some strange sort of foreplay? Trying to lull me into a sense of security before taking me? Maybe gaslighting me into doing something even more obscene? Whatever it was, this did not bode well, but I bit my tongue, I just hand to endure a little longer...

"Tea's ready." I said calmly as I came back into the room.

The Doll and Yukari were, to my surprise, playing soccer. Yukari had placed two fingers on the table to represent herself and ran, kicked, and dashed around the table in a believable fashion, while the doll played as normal for her size.

'Cute.' I thought, but did not say aloud as the doll leapt in air to celebrate a hard-won goal.

I set down the tea and let the doll take care of a few additives, which she always enjoyed, after which, she pushed the two cups to each of us and bowed.

"A job well done." Yukari said, before taking a sip of tea. "And well-prepared as well."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." I said, taking my own sip.

"Say Anon, you were once a borderer before you married the Miko correct?" She asked.

"I was." I said, letting the statement linger in the air a little. She knew that of course and likely even more. And why had she referred to Reimu in that way?

"Did you ever meet anyone interesting?" She asked, resting elbows on the table and her chin on her hands.

Was I being tested? "Well you already know all about the Youkai and like... I don't suppose you'd like to hear about other borders?" I asked, to which she nodded.

"Well there was Hide who liked sneaking up on everyone he could and became pretty good at it. Fumito, who beat an Oni in a match, but never mentions it was Rock, Paper, Scissors and he threw Paper. Then there was the late Elusive Eikichi, he always seemed to know a lot more then what he let on, very private person even among borderers." I said.

"What about that last one?" She asked.

Was there some nugget of information Eikichi had hidden Yukari was looking for? Well, even if I didn't tell her, she'd figure out from somewhere else I'm sure, best to tell her and let Ran know later.

"Eikichi was the oldest borderer anyone knew. Most people in that profession either perish younger or get a stable job after starting a family, Eikichi defied the latter and only met the former later in life, although losing his wife might have been an influence." I said, scratching my neck.

"He'd never say it out load, but I got the sense he had many strong opinions. Once Fumito was joked about how he'd wager a Youkai's hand in marriage with his next contest and Eikichi, having not said a word the entire night, cut in and told him a few words that made Fumito shudder. Which was odd because he often left his own child at the Myouren temple with all the Youkai priests. I asked him about it once and he told me something about 'building a tolerance for what's to come' and he wouldn't elaborate." I sighed.

"Overall, I'd say he was underrated. Not that I'm an authority or anything, I just never saw Eikichi mess up a job until his end, meaning he either knew his limits or worked like hell to meet expectations."

Yukari, in all the time I was speaking, didn't interrupt or give me any sort of look. She just watched and listened to me speak. It almost made me feel a little comfortable.

Then I saw the ghastly aberration again.

Yukari, noticing my gawking, turned and sat herself up. Reaching out a hand she extended a finger to it, which the thing gently reached for before fading away once more. Strange, I had never seen the thing react to anyone else.

When she turned to me I did not see a smug look of satisfaction, but a pained, sad, wanting expression, that was quickly wiped away as she retook her seat.

"Don't worry about it, it'll make sense in time." She cryptically said, taking a sip of tea. "You mentioned Eikichi had a son, what became of him?"

"I believe he followed in his father's footsteps to Hijiri's chagrin." I chuckled, trying to regain my composure. "I didn't hear too much after Hana was born, just that he started brokering deals between different Youkai and Human groups instead of gathering herbs and doing deliveries. That kind of life can lead people down some dark roads, although he's Eikichi's son so I'm sure he's fine." I smiled.

"It certainly can." Yukari smiled, before she heard a chime.

"It appears our time is at an end. I'll see you again soon Anon, take care." She said before waving to me and the doll, opening her parasol, and walking to the exit.

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