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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.13900473 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 58 KB, 632x312, reddit cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50% chance of Reddit/25% chance of Tumblr/25% chance of just being a dumbass:

>gets agitated when GG is mentioned
>encourages the use of other sites, especially "meme" sites
>encourages incorporating shadowbanning
>uses social media beyond talking to people they know IRL
>does the above and posts about it here
>"nice meme"
>misuse "meme" in general
>gets mad about memes
>gets mad about 4chan culture in general
>"delete /pol/" or blames shit on other boards they dont use
>anything positive about Feminism
>STILL mad at cartoon horses
>genuinely thinks /v/ is a good board and dislikes /vg/ and /vr/ at the same time
>"ironic" posting especially to display butthurt
>goes to [s4s] regularly
>thinks directing people to /b/ is a good way to curb shitposting
>thinks /b/ has always been a place where you only dump porn
>"who are you quoting" and doesnt even know what board that's from

90% chance of Reddit/10% chance of rampant misguided newfaggotry:

>"may may" "epic *anything*" and general butthurt especially when directed at good OC or jokes that are within context
>ironic shitposting (thank fuck this isnt done much anymore)
>thinks 4chan is "supposed to hate memes"
>thinks 4chan "isnt your sekrit club"
>uses Vinesauce
>used Joowz after 2013 (if you dont recognize Joowz or Vinesauce, just dont bother, seriously)
>uses Twitch
>plays LoL
>links to Reddit for any reason other than to catch up on vidya news (dev posts) or to laugh at retards
>thinks that people dont use more than one board at a time
>thinks that 4chan boards dont interact with one another
>thinks that content that originated on a board should stay there
>thinks that anime only can be posted to /a/
>wants to be a Janitor
>posts their face on 4chan without a lot of entertainment value being attached to it (and remember your timestamp, fag)
>came to 4chan after mid 2014
>doesn't know who moot is (it WILL happen)
>links to rules page
>has an account on Reddit (duh)

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