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>> No.40966509 [View]
File: 1.81 MB, 1920x1080, 1654016075668.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the most obvious reason a transfer stopped is the most clear and you already know this, the user simply went offline, and the icon next to their name went red. the queues will remain incomplete and sit indefinitely until the user comes back online.

other messages you may see are "File not shared" which means they moved/renamed/deleted the folder you were downloading and haven't restarted slsk yet, or they moved it outside of their shared folders and the files are literally no longer being shared. the OTHER reason you would see this message is because, yes, unfortunately, they banned you. the semantics have been changed from the older versions of slsk, where these banning issues originated and were anywhere between prolific to exceedingly rampant. for that we simply don't call it "banning" anymore, this was to curtail the issue with megalomaniacs banning people simply because they didn't like you. it's no longer like 'slamming the door in their face' rather than politely closing it. unsharing files from users also does not block them, so you have the chance to rectify it by reading their user info to see what you did wrong, sending an apology, and perhaps they will reshare their files with you. if they went red, or you're not seeing them in search results anymore, then they also ignored you and there's not much you can do about it.

personally i have no such time or energy for this type of micromanagement. if i see any bad actors queuing >100GB i might send a message along the lines of "you know i got all that from a torrent, dude?" the only people i ignore/unshare are spammers.

there's "Aborted" errors which can have some confusing origins. if it's cycling between "Queued" and "Aborted" then either your ports or their ports are not fully opened. it can also be because the remote user manually cleared their upload queue, but there is not much reason for people to do that, only if the host is being snobby and letting their friends take priority in their upload queue by canceling your downloads. most people keep slsk closed and go afk so this should be rare, i almost always suspect the reason i'm seeing Aborted is ports not forwarded. you can also see "Aborted" because read/write access to the folder is denied by the host's operating system (OSX is typically to blame for this.) this is also exceedingly rare. beyond all of that, every kind of network issue will cause the "Aborted" error; like maybe their network administrator suddenly changed policies to deny the program.

typically users will write their policies inside their user info so if you're about to queue a lot of files, it's nice to right-click their name and "get user info" to see if they would have an issue with that.

geoblocking isn't possible with this program.

btw miku

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