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>> No.17919493 [View]
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The tl;dr version is that the translation sucked but nobody noticed for a while and by the time they did it was too late.

The long version is that the original translator (Platfleece)'s work was so wildly inaccurate as to be borderline fanfiction, but the stuff he wrote tracked just barely closely enough with the events of the anime that the bulk of the (non-JP-literate) fandom didn't notice in spite of repeated warnings from moonreaders and chinkreaders that something was wrong.

We're talking shit like this:

>The sound of underground movement was now far away, but Clamberry did not give chase. Rather than chasing down a beaten dog, her priority was to deal with her present circumstances. She could no longer hear the sound of an angel’s wings overhead.
>Clamberry moved carefully. Despite her wariness, she moved in a way that concealed it from others, with a natural ease. She walked around the algae-encrusted trees and stepped over low-growing shrubs. She swung over a valley on a vine. She was getting closer. There were several notes of tension in her heartbeat. Given the effective time of the Vitality Medicine, she would have to make an attack now. Dropping her pretense, Clamberry stepped into a patch of vegetation and stabbed her right hand into a rock without any warning. After impaling the human-sized rock with her right hand, she raised it and slammed it heavily onto the ground.

>She had listened to the scratches underground. They weren’t chasing her or coming towards her. In fact, it looked like the noises were moving away from her.
>Suddenly, a large rock began flying in the air towards Clamberry. Fast. Durable. This wasn’t a normal rock.
>The rock kept hitting her.
>It was fast. The arm, then the back, then it flew over to her shoulder.
>Clamberry focused on the movements, her reflexes are far too fast for the rock to anticipate, and calmly, she aimed her fist at the incoming rock."

When they did finally wake up and realized that everything from the novel translations to the interview translations was bullshit there was a huge shitstorm about it, but by then the translator had garnered a legion of drones to defend him and his "efforts" and the inaccuracies had infected the wiki (of which Plat was the admin), and he was stubborn enough that even anon who attempted to help proofread his work had most of his proposed changes rejected. He continued to cover up his lies with even more lies (claiming that he had "translated from memory" and that he would fix everything with a v2) and then retreated to discord where his drones continue to suck his dick.

/a/ meanwhile scraped together a chinkanon and a moonreader to do proper re-translations from the Chinese version checked against the JP raw. As can be seen from the image and this one, even this J>C>E translation is still far better than Plat's garbage.

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