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>> No.18073458 [View]
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Fuck I should have checked the catalog before hitting reply in the old thread. Here it goes again:
Japanese never had an interest for spanish. So no, we dont have a equivalent word for engrish.
Unlike you anglos, neither spics or spaniards had an equivalent to that fucker Hepburn who fucked up english for japanese people for generations to come.
Closest thing to that were the portuguese merchants who had a friendly trade route with japs. That lasted until the shogun went full retard and closed the islands for any foreign interaction. And that isolation lasted until americans went and kindly asked for a trade route while pointing their black and shiny cannons to the shogun castle and their gatlin guns to the population.
But funny enough, those who go on their own to learn this language can dominate the pronunciation stunningly fine. Obviously we still can tell they're not native to spanish but you can hold a conversation and actually understand them, unlike when they try using engrish with a native speaker.
The one thing they struggle to get right are the fucking stupid million different verb conjugation. But not even native speakers can, so it's ok.
I'll add: As other anons said before they often switch "L" for "R" and viceversa, but since that's because of they shitty phonetics and not because spanish, doesn't count.
Sorry for the super late answer, but had a power shutdown until recently. Just normal business in my country during summer.
t. white argie.

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