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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.9119420 [View]
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Full retarded.

>> No.8609304 [View]
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>> No.8300782 [View]
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Every day in /jp/ is a proof that 2 nukes were not enough.

>> No.8220570 [View]
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Fuckers Stays/Neet; text adventure.


1-Can you do something to get money? Y->go2/N-> go 6

2- Can you make money of it before getting kicked? Y->go 5/N->go 3

3-Do you have someone to go live with, friends,(lol jp)? Y->Go 5 /N->Go 4

4- Do you have cash saved? Y-> go 7/N-> go 10

5- Do it and get money, then you can live by your own.
(good end)

6- Kill yourself (dead end; protip: Next time get more mom love points)

7-Use it to live while you get money from your Job.
(Good end)

8-Alternative; You raped your mom/sister/father/neighbour and now you can live for free with her (true end)

>> No.8172555 [View]
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>I was cleaning out my ear with an unbent paperclip, and I think I just punctured my eardrum.

>Oh FUCK it's bleeding it's bleeding all over the place shit shit shit.

I'll go ask for advice in 4chan.

I'll ask in /jp/ where's a higher chance to find a medic or someone who's studying medicine.

Also, I spect to find help even in these times when the board is infested by trolls.

☑ Failure
☑ Be stupid
☑ Fail even more
☑ 0/10
☑ Mongolic for introducing sharp objects in your ear
☑ Again asking for advice in 4chan

>> No.8153081 [View]
File: 29 KB, 480x360, wtf am I reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What do you say mr hat? Kill her?

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