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>> No.47145383 [View]
File: 2.61 MB, 1536x2048, okina 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There seems to be demand for this type of a thread again, so...Anon, surely you have by now become aware of the esoteric elements surrounding Touhou?

>> No.46940006 [View]
File: 2.61 MB, 1536x2048, okina 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have that magia vs goeteia thing
First time I hear of this division. Goetic magic is an idea within, uh, "the magic scene" itself. It refers to very specific forms of magic designed to bind demons to your service, coming from the (in)famous Lesser Keys of Solomon.

But there also exists this kind of conception between "intuitive magic" and more structured magic within the esoteric scene itself which is exactly that magia vs goetia split.

I wouldn't say that magic related to Touhou would necessarily be "magia". We just may not have the "goetia" for it, so we have to grasp in the dark. And there are after all some established ideas for dealing with deities and youkai, so...
>I was thinking that just like magic spells indicate it might be closer to linguistics with it's ever-changing nature
Oh, that is a good one, and not at all what I was thinking. I was mostly thinking it's anthropology, or more precisely some kind of xenology, when dealing with entities. But that's a really fascinating take.
We are quite a bit away from bump limit, but this thread has become so info-dense that the people involved probably have quite a bit to digest. Honestly, but the time we hit the bump limit it's probably gonna require some kind of data mining effort to make sense of this, which...do we happen to have any comp sci anons among us..?

Anyway, I'm torn, at times I feel like I spend too much time about both here and thinking about the things here. This has become extremely important to me, I am very fond of the posters here and I would love to harness the knowledge presented here somehow, make something more structured out of it...while at the same thinking that once this hits the bump limit I really have to just let go of this for a while, I need to integrate what has been learned, give it some time...

...and I also like the ephemeral, "magical" nature of imageboards where things respond to the kind of "energy" and methods you put into it really well and quickly. There is also something fundamentaly beatiful about how this all has emerged, as if from some pattern of interference. It's wonderful to see so many anons to come to similar conclusions, have similar interests, and I believe there is an element of figuring this stuff on your own. Anonymity is also important to people not feeling pressured or too tied to their identities, and furthermore, as I said before, this is the only place I have been called out for bad behaviour, and it has helped me to get ahead...

...at the same thime I wouldn't want this to be some sand castle that just gets wiped off by the tides of time, precisely because it seems like anons are time after time figuring out the same things. What if there was some way to build off of this? Not some general, not some discord server, but something..?
>I'm definitely not thinking of Discord or anything like that either
What did you have in mind?
Zunart is extremely souled and contributes to the numinous nature of the games, but I have seen people being horny for Zunart. I love this particular artist, I love the ultra HD upscale Zunart style, but he has also done straight up porn in the style. You'd be surprised what people get off to. There are reports of literal, straight up sex with ultraterrestial/spirit entities, some of the beings described as being very uncanny looking, and not only have some of the people enjoyed such, some became completely obsessed.
I can't remember the exact details (I should), but wasn't it more that it was rumoured that Matarajin was worshipped with some sexually explicit ritual, but not actual proof has survived? I mean, considering the really fascinating and complex history of divinity and sex, it could have been so.

Shinto deities certainly weren't asexual, it was much the same deal as with the old european pantheons, very human-like. Some buddhist stuff used sex between deities at least as metaphors. Heck, there have even been Christian mystics that used very eroticaly charged language to describe their experiences.

But since Matarajin was associated with among other stuff social outcasts, it might have just been some guilt by association thing.

>> No.46748204 [View]
File: 2.61 MB, 1536x2048, 9d4222556f0e1ae4001c5d6f5276c0d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Okina for being the goddess of the backdoor
For me, she is the prostatehu. She's all about "opening the backdoor" and "unlocking the potential". Being a goddess, she also has the power and authority to dominate any man.
You should be honored to have gotten the attention of Chimata. She's gonna let your sexual frustration and lack of intimacy to return into nothing. Surely it's only fair that you give her your undying love in exchange?

>> No.46659197 [View]
File: 2.61 MB, 1536x2048, 9d4222556f0e1ae4001c5d6f5276c0d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, she would absolutely do that.
But in my headcanon (delusion) she is the prostate stimulation goddess.
>gave me some funny ideas
What kinda funny ideas?

>> No.46580681 [View]
File: 2.61 MB, 1536x2048, 9d4222556f0e1ae4001c5d6f5276c0d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't call the backdoor opener's name in vain, anon.

>> No.46504873 [View]
File: 2.61 MB, 1536x2048, okina 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh certainly there are, and there is nothing to complain about, after all, you wanted to offer your total, absolute submission to a goddess, such total submission that you described it as "being eaten".

If you went to Okina and told her this and then she "opened" the "door" on your back and showed you what it means when some men say they found god in their g-spot and you moaned and whimpered untill your only desire was to serve the mighty hidden goddess of stars, you wouldn't complain about your fate, would you?

If you went to Chimata and told her this and she made you stripped of all your mortal possessions, including your clothes and then stripped you down even more untill you had relinquished ownership of even your autonomy and she made you a puppet to her whimsies, waxing and waning with the markets, freely trading you to anyone whom she so desires, you wouldn't complain about your fate, would you?

If you went to Kanako and told her this and she turned you into a servant that would have to fulfill a mountainful of tasks every day untill your hands and feet are full of calluses and your muscles knew nothing of pain, but then she finally, finally rewarded you because she is a fair goddess who rewards her faithful, you wouldn't complain of your fate, would you?

If you went to Keiki and told her this and she turned you into her loyal little haniwa soldier, freeing you of the curse of flesh, freeing you of fatigue and softness, allowing you to tirelessly serve every need of the grand artist and friend to humanity, you wouldn't complain about your fate, would you?

If you went to the Minoriko sisters and...nah, they are too wholesome. They'd just make you tend a garden for them.

>> No.45898198 [View]
File: 2.61 MB, 1536x2048, 生誕共_by_parasite_oyatsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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