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>> No.45126529 [View]
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“…and yet by his labour and thought displays the animosity of the poor; thus dishonoring…” I chanted.
It was difficult at first to chant 24/7. I made mistakes, got distracted, was harassed by passersby’s, yelled at from all sides, but at a certain point, things fell away.
The surrounding stalls, the people, even the sky and earth left my perception. All that was left was the building, and it too was slowly being pealed apart bit by bit as my focus narrowed.
It was like a strange puzzle. I would jiggle a window and a roof tile might shift, blow on it instead and the glass might shatter or smell differently. Seemingly insane rules starting to emerge in my head, don’t ever touch the doors, ask rudely before biting something except when it was porous in which case be polite, the eyes would gaze at things that were part of the building or would become part of it.
I used to think hermits where insane, that they were so far into esotericism that besides their magic, long lives, and choice of dress and residence, there was little to distinguish them from crazed street urchins, but now, slowly walking this path toward hopeful annihilation, I knew for certain that they were all loons.
My focus became so honed and my connection to the target of my observation so intense that even when I physically felt myself being pulled away from the HSE, it did not appear to move, and this did not surprise me. Some buildings were made to move, others were forced to, but not this one, never this one.
When finally, I had collapsed all the walls and tied the pipes into the correct formation of ribbons the true work began, finding the path.
I started at a course granularity with kernels the size of small children from all sides and directions. The rays shot toward the place and moved on the map I had made, none making it past even the most meager of defenses. Over time I reduced the kernel size, made the rays non-uniform, cast at different angles, and slowly I began to see the way, even though maps had to be redrawn and promising solutions discarded.
Some collection of forces had to be helping me. The realization came before I could witness them and perhaps, I could not observe them until I had seen their efforts. Sometimes it was a unique freak circumstances that lead to a realization which made me magnitudes more efficient other times it was a surge of will when I thought I had expended all effort possible. When I watched them manifests these situations, I could not describe their appearance to intently, but I knew there was more then one force aiding my efforts and that not all of them aligned with each other.
It could not have been whatever sacrifices lead to the bracelet. No, this ominous thing did not a have a will of its own it only appeared to and that was the worst part. When I failed at the first step of a path, I felt it burning and when I took a step beyond what was normal, I felt my hand calm. This was a product of my mind, my attributions of these phenomena to my shackling to an awful death. The faces on the beads didn’t mean anything, but it would soothe me much if they did.
Yukari’s barriers did valiantly resist my intrusions, but it was a futile attempt on their part. For nothing I did would place me inside the HSE itself and the design of her defenses were built under this limitation, perhaps a necessary compromise? I didn’t know.
When finally, the solutions started to converge, where the seemingly infinite possibilities and aggregations of steps and scenarios began to collapse in upon themselves, I felt an elation and then dread.
My solution was flawed, it would annihilate my target.
Painfully I began from step one, but my methods remained, and a new solution began to emerge. One that would rebound the path many times over within the area and on several occasions slip into places which I could not see into, only surmise their output, and in some cases travel to distant planets and other astronomical bodies before returning. Sometimes the path would decelerate, shed excess power when it wasn’t needed, other times it would accumulate strength to defeat defenses.
The final result was a hand from the heavens, nudging Anon’s soul just outside of his body.
Until this day I have never held a sword in my life and as I put the final step into the answer, I knew it was like this. Materials and information from across the universe traveling at unfathomable speeds and entropy put together into a craft that would terminate.
The culmination of my life I would trade for his, in return is the end I asked for.

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