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>> No.44085218 [View]
File: 258 KB, 1280x2880, kikidor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its was early in Mayor Zombie's term, her non-existent leadership could not keep the various factions within the maid academy together, conflict broke out, heavy machinery was brought up and by the end of the night 5 districts of MGC had been cleansed...

>> No.39154111 [View]
File: 258 KB, 1280x2880, kikidor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a dark night anon
the mayor was weak, the schisms within the maid academy could no longer be contained
both sides wanted the MGC maid monopoly
there where clashes in the street, soon heavy equipment was brought up
when all was said and done 5 districts lay in immaculately clean ruins

>> No.39101455 [View]
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>you don't understand mastah
>you weren't there the night MGC burned...

>> No.38445934 [View]
File: 258 KB, 1280x2880, 1641259633167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mastah found out
>he must be re-educated
All for the Motherland

>> No.38023562 [View]
File: 258 KB, 1280x2880, 1586721811226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good gift for a stern headmaid kiki wife?

>> No.37402620 [View]
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Which is why mamono should rule

>> No.34242974 [View]
File: 258 KB, 1280x2880, 1586721811226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lewd maids cheering up their recluse bookworm mastah

>> No.23927881 [View]
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Pic related

>> No.23909978 [View]
File: 258 KB, 1280x2880, 1586721811226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna take my stern kiki maid wife on a date!

>> No.23444867 [View]
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Stop replying

>> No.23424006 [View]
File: 258 KB, 1280x2880, hxYKrem4_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hellhound, proper name Alissa Bartlett. Every second she spent on the mat was torture. She chose one of the most basic katas and even then she fucked it up. Everything down to her stance to the lazy swipes at the floor. The final piece of the kata and the only somewhat difficult part was traded out for a lazy sweep backwards and completely ignoring the finish. She set the broom down with a slap and said,


Before slinking off to join the others.

Angela popped a blood vessel, the knot in her stomach snapped.

>What the FUCK was that?!

She slammed her hands into the table, the hellhound froze in place. Mr Mous and the headmistress jumped as Angela spoke. Every eye in the room turned to her. Angela stomped her way to the hellhound seething with rage, and ripped the broom from Alissa's paws.

>THIS is the proper way to perform the Julie Mays Oxy Kata. Do try to remember it!

She gripped the broom like she had hundreds of thousands of times before and began with a quick side swipe kicking the dust cleanly to the left without even a single speck lifting from the floor. This motion was followed by a kick to the right and a quarter turn dragging the dust with both the broom and her heel. She was careful, controlling the dirt with no wasted motion. With the precision of a swordsman she slashed at the pile, growing it steadily until it reached a half inch in height. The steps flowed through her mind like bullets from a gun and then came the finisher, two quick swipes in front of her kicked a sheet of dirt neatly in place as she threw the broom in an arc behind her and slapped it down, catching the dirt and kicking it into the rest of the pile before repeating the arc twice more in quick succesion. She slammed the broom down in front of her with both hands then raised it to chest level.


She grunted, pushing the broom forward and bending her knees into horse stance. The room was silent and Angela stood straight before throwing the broom at the hellhound's feet. Angela rammed a finger into Alissa's chest.

>You insult our school, you insult me, and you insult that man over there with your shoddy performance. If you came here to be a maid, be a god damn maid, don't think you can just do whatever you want just because you got the tits and ass for it. If I ever see you do that shit again I will personally sweep your ass out the front door!

Alissa snarled and turned up her nose at Angela.

>Like you have any right to judge, you dusty bitch!

Upon being called dusty, Angela lost all sense of control. For the gravest insult among maids to be slammed into her face after having it chuckled behind her back for years, she had only one response.

She howled with anger wrapping her talons around the hellhound's neck and tackling her to the floor. The group clambored to break them up as Angela wrenched the life from the insolent canine.

>Take it back! Take it back! Take it back!

Angela screamed as she slammed Alissa's head into the mat. The jinko wrenched her paws around Angela's arms and struggled to wrestle her loose. The kikis tried to drag the hellhound out from under her and the lamia coiled around Angela's midriff. The holst and rat watched unsure of what to do. A sharp crack echoed into the room, and Angela went limp. The blow that silenced Angela's rage was delivered by none other than the headmistress herself.

>Get off! Get off of her!

She commanded the kiki. The two of them were pulled apart finally and the quiet gaze of Angela shook with bloodlust. Alissa grasped at her throat gasping for air.

>You freaking psycho! No wonder you're dusty!

Angela again sprang to life but could not break free of the hold.

>Take it back!

The headmistress took another whack at Angela's noggin. The hellhound, having gotten back on her feet, marched to Angela ready for round two and delivered a pair of sharp blows to her nose and forehead before getting swatted away by the riding crop.

>That is enough! It's over!

>She attacked me!

>It is over!

When at last the hellhound backed down and Angela had stopped writhing, the headmistress addressed Mr. Mous with a bow.

>I'm terribly sorry, Sir. I'll arrange for someone else to oversee the rest of the process with you.

Mr. Mous, still on edge from the display, wiped the sweat from his brow.

>That would be wonderful, please get that raving lunatic as far away from me as possible.


The headmistress dragged Angela by the arm out of the dojo. She could feel the glares from the other maids slashing her back long after they turned the corner.

>> No.22092846 [View]
File: 258 KB, 1280x2880, yAOksU9a_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


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