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>> No.40506543 [View]
File: 129 KB, 1008x719, Witch of Izalith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw an image of me and Yukari. First panel had me sucking Yukari's cock while she came. Second panel had me sucking Yukari's cock while she came. Third panel had me vomitting a barrage of leeches, saying "I'm gonna die!" with my eyes bugged out. Yukari was ahegaoing while cumming a leech out of her cock, the end looking like a gnawed up hole, and there were leeches squirming under her hat. There was text about me "His tongue speaks from The Abyss!" I thought "Yukari is an insect-user, but I don't think that's what's going on here."

In a house. I was drawing a picture of me with Yukari on the floor beside me, overwhelmed by a gap with bloodshot eyes staring at her. I was saying "I must be putting you through Hell."
A kid comes up to me but I pull my sketchbook away, saying it's not for children. I go to the front page of my book and draw the Nyd rune, but poorly, so I tore it out, thinking to write it again. Watching TV with a family, one of them predicts what a characters gonna do because he's savvy, I thought "I want Yukari to teach me *everything*." I was looking up fire element reiki, but the videos coming up were a power metal song called "The Fire Dragon Thanatos. "

Playing as Heimerdinger at Irithyll, I used a flamethrower on someone but an enemy Heimer flamed me while I did it, as I ran off I shot a missle next to myself, since it heals me, but the enemy Heimer hit me with his missle first, I died.

In my unit heading towards my shower, saying "I just want a love like Titanic."

There was a monstrously colossal Harald Legion Knight, from a far off platform I was checking my greatarrows, I could fight it on foot but I would want to make sure it's nearly dead. I had 30 Millwoods, 30 Onislayers, but could really use 50 Dragonslayers. The Harald swung its blade, sending giant airslashes(like an underwater Headless) towards me which phased through walls. I went to Firelink Shrine, with Andre, trying to buy Dragonslayers off him, but I had no souls. I looked through my inventory but there was only a soul that looked like Chaos Bed Vestiges that I couldn't remember the name of. I kicked little bits of magnetised materials in a little pen behind Andre which he would craft into items. He made me an Iron Shield, looked like a plank shield but iron. I went around the left(facing towards Lothric's throne) side of the shrine, coming across the Witch of Izalith, seated in a throne with two witches in smaller thrones beside her. She mentioned to me that back in the day they had made a couple of shrines to the Darkmoon in their basement, making me think of how the Izalith Catalyst casts magic. I see a magazine, it said about Izanami "She's actually a good person. She gave her power to Hecatia so that she could help people." Then images of Izanami getting facefucked, and spreading her ass/pussy while cum poured out, apparently in a government building. I thought "I guess I work for the government." Hecatia peered out from a nearby pillar, saying I should use time travel, using that CBV soul of mine, meditating into a half-dragon and half-possessing myself in the past, though she said it's difficult. One of the side witches said, sounding like an Aussie bogan druggie, "Aw, it ain't that bad" as I saw a mental image of her lying in bed half-paralyzed for over a day.
Walking with Hecatia in Firelink, she says I should use time travel to "Maybe unfuck your life" She says "Crystal Sage" as we go up to Lothric's throne and take a yellow-green crystal cluster off it. There was also a yellow rectangular prism crystal on top of a gold stand on the armrest which I took, asking if she was interested. She said it was just dyed, but that she likes these things too. I checked the name of the CBV soul again, it was called Chaos Transformation Flaeambras.

I see my brothers coming out of a car with lots of pills, and wonder what drug I should take to help time travel. I go to my room and my sister comes in, she gifts me a orange crystal cluster, which I set next to my purple crystal cluster. I mention time travel, and needing drugs, to her, saying Hecate said I need to time travel. She laughs, joking about me being a red head. I think "Yeah, I'm Blood Raven, and my little sister Izanami is Raven." Setting a crystal on my bed, some crystal balls fall off which makes me wince hard, I pick them up and check for fractures. I say we should go outside in the sun and imagine healing the crystals, to encourage her imagination I said "Let's make it a contest" We're outside in the sun with the crystals, to my left is a statue of Venus, but it's covered in dirt. I start brushing it off, she wobbles a bit, and I notice her head has been broken in half, wobbling. I thought about what kind of asshole did that. A kid from the neighbours yard calls over "Loser!" I call back "Shit!" then a kid playing on my own lawn calls some shit out to me too.

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