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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.11223698 [View]
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My cramps are killing me right now, nigga. Anyone else miss Aibon?

>> No.9540862 [View]
File: 56 KB, 446x600, 446px-kago_ai_heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Windows 7

Not sure if I will change to the new windows that is coming.
I didn't hear anything good about it, only that its like a made for smart phones.

>> No.9505432 [View]
File: 56 KB, 446x600, 446px-kago_ai_heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are totally retarded and blind of your animes
he did pretty much explain you why tanks are better and you still act like a idiot

also a modern tank still needs 4 people to operate everything, I want to know how a mech would do it, cause surprise in the real world its more complicated than to send some japanese teenager in in a mech and explain everything with magic and AI.

>> No.9388387 [View]
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legend of grimrock

>> No.9230795 [View]
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I am actually a big fan of Gackt
Got his photobooks,DVD and CD-s

because of this song i went to buy a acoustic guitar

>> No.8895609 [DELETED]  [View]
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also I forgot 1 thing to add
What makes you think suicidal pacts where invented by otakus and is considered a otaku culture?

By that logic ,we did never see suicide pacts before otakus invented it.Dam anon I cant believe suicide pacts did happen the first time in history in Japan , and invented by otakus.

Honestly , I am actually starting to think you are troll.
You see no 1 gives a shit about your suicide drama and we would like to take it easy now on /jp/ and enjoy our time, now you have 2 options you can go seek some help or listen linkin park and cry about your life.

Why cant you just accept that suicide threads aren't part of /jp/ and they are in no way related to otaku culture

>> No.8869198 [View]
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made me laugh lol

>> No.8797209 [View]
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but that's how it works , you need a bachelor degree.
You get some books made by real teachers and you work with them.
congratulation, you are teaching english in Japan

>> No.8783186 [View]
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I couldn't resist , but it was funny at that time and I was drunk.
Everyone would do the same thing like me in that situation.

>> No.8461892 [View]
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Same :3
Tera and GW2

>> No.8429387 [View]
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a classic for me
ppl who never heard about MM , know this song even

>> No.8396137 [View]
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there are a few tricks to make them look bigger , but some girl do have big eyes

>> No.8363204 [View]
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I did never understand why everyone did hate Koharu

she looks dam hot now

>> No.8174456 [View]
File: 56 KB, 446x600, 446px-kago_ai_heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japan just get 10 times more cooler
please post more cool things about japan

>> No.8142533 [View]
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Why you wouldn't talk with your family for 6 years?
I will be spending Christmas with my family, but I am much more looking to new years party

>> No.8120060 [View]
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If you want to keep using 3DPD , please take that shit to /a/ or /b/

Most of /jp/ has nothing against women , they just have no sexual interest on women.

>> No.7988037 [DELETED]  [View]
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He is sweet like suga :3

Kawaii ne

>> No.7786285 [View]
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No money
No hug

>> No.7761557 [View]
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join us on steam or play hon with us.
Me , my jp friend and iLoveOP and my gf are all on steam :)

HoN is free btw
add me when you want

>> No.7690206 [View]
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he is sleeping

>> No.7677634 [DELETED]  [View]
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How many friends you made from /jp/?

>> No.7641785 [View]
File: 56 KB, 446x600, 446px-kago_ai_heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will make a you a offer /jp/ that you will not refuse

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