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>> No.45483167 [SPOILER]  [View]
File: 721 KB, 840x659, what is my working class boy doing in university fuck you Kujo stop ruining him REEEEEEEEEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I expected this route to be more on the psychological side, turns out I was totally wrong. In fact I was so not in sync with this route I hit two bad ends before reaching the good, and the only reason it wasn't three is because the last one was so retard-proof it was basically a reading comprehension check. ED. 19 ハンマーヘッド is notable for finally showing Teppei as he should have been on Yoshimoto's route, minus the gore and the vomit, but it's a start.
Also oh hey, this is the first time a route name matches an ED title. How strange.

>Kujo is going to feel extremely vanilla
Extremely, extremely vanilla. Sickeningly so. Granted good route Kujo would still rank lower on a decent person scale than good route Nitta, but it's hard to feel it when it's directed at randos and not Teppei. And Momoya was a such a shit route-exclusive supporting character based Saiki had to step in and salvage the plot from becoming an utter borefest, because Momoya sure as fuck couldn't carry it. But like
>beeline to the only blind spot in the park
>shocked when within minutes guard swarm the perimeter
what the fuck was the plan here, now seriously. Kujo had days to plan this, and this is what he came up with? Bro, dude, wtf.

>proper boyfriend
*angry nonke noises*

>ED23 is Kujo's crack ending. a total shitpost
Sweet fucking hell, even more of a shitpost than Disneyland? The part that turns the last day into SOL and XXX parody jokes? The part where Teppei stares at the smiling Disney princesses on the rug while getting lubed up, and just when he resigns himself to lay back and think of England Kujo gets blueballed by the parade? Even more of a shitpost than this fever dream of an ending? Oh wow. I'm going to need something really strong I think.

>you should really play Paradise if you want more of that vibe later.
I will, definitely. But I'm probably taking a break after Cage. I still have one and a half routes left in Open and three (?) more in Close, I don't think I'd be able to play Paradise and not end up unfairly compairing to Cage at every turn after spending so long on this game. I'll probably play Rakka Ten though if the link posted earlier is legit.
>Maybe even Pigeon Blood
Huh, going by the /blog/ consensus I wouldn't have considered that one. But ey, what the fuck. Might as well.

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