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>> No.47128554 [View]
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Happy that Suwako and Kanako weren’t watching, she left behind the maze of suspicious alley shops and busy back-road businesses that dotted this corner of the village. Sure, this side of the village was never the most wholesome, but really now? She was sure Suwako would tease her if she saw her reaction to that shop…

Nearly having to push through the amounts of revelers and party-goers, Hana decided that she had enough of these busy narrow roads. To make matters worse, it didn’t take much more than a few good checks with her powers when heard soft moans coming from particularly secluded alleys, judging from the amount of youkai she saw carting around men and vice versa... Well, who could blame her for mulling over the thought of throwing a few danmaku pellets into there, as a joke, till she came out into the village square.

The square was just as congested as it looked from the sky, the only saving grace was the edges where the Kurodanis had set up seating. They were supposedly a massive clan of earth spiders Hana hasn’t had the displeasure of interacting with overmuch, but at least they could be useful judging by how the resting areas and food courts were arranged in an impressively practical manner.

The phantom choir of foodstuff in the air excited Hana’s stomach too much for her brain to care for long, the sights, the sounds, the smells. It all washed the idiocy of the last few minutes away; she’d worry about youkai infiltration and Kurodanis well after she’d secured her own food. Following her nose, one smell in particular stood out, it wasn’t as hearty as the others, nor as sweet and fragrant like those meats slathered in sauce. However, it had a subtle appeal all its own that promised a punch of refreshing flavor; Hana had no idea what it was, no idea what the crowd around this small izakaya was pressing for, but she had to have it.

Hana queued at the back of the line, where couples and families formed small groups in a relatively orderly line. The line was about 20 groups thick, all in line, all with big appetites and orders… Hana tried waiting, she waited and while the line was moving fast, her stomach was growling! If it wasn’t for the chatter and music making it inaudible, she’d be embarrassed! This could not stand, she had to figure something out!

She stood behind a small family, a man and two kids that were vaguely familiar. He seemed middle aged and was holding the hand of one boy while the other chatted happily with the other. Both of the boys had rather familiar faces, the youngest one’s hair color was very familiar shade of red as well… It didn’t matter. Her objective was clear.

The kids weren’t an issue, they were young enough to not raise much of a fuss if at all. The father? A threat if any she saw one, if he spotted her. The Hakurei miko of all people cutting in line, well that wouldn’t do! She used her powers and let the world lines constrict, watching his eyes, watching for the momen- Now!

With a sharp yank, little brat on his hand tugged him hard enough to almost take him off balance, causing him to look down and ignore the group moving up in front of them! Taking a step ‘back’ she moved into the ground and took the shortest path to naturally step in front of them and seem as if she was part of the group ahead of them the entire time, she was a genus!

As she righted herself, she was satisfied it was fast enough that nobody could’ve caught it unless they were looking. The man behind her didn’t raise a fuss either, likely not even noticing her, It was a fool proof plan. One that got her just a step closer to whatever food this cart was slinging!

The next group… it was a guy with two girls on his arms! Shesh, some people were just weird like that, I mean, what made this guy so great? Only someone like father had enough natural pull to- She shook her head as she contemplated her approach, it didn’t matter who it was, she had a purse full of change from her dear friends and she was determined to see food before her stomach twisted into a hole!

Still, she couldn’t get over this nearly slovenly guy, all slouched and flushed in the face like mother would get, completely enamored by his cooing escorts who bragged about the lamprey sold here. She made effort to shut out their words, too much ‘lover~’s and ‘handsome~’s as these two clung to him like a spider did to his web on a windy day. God, beast youkai are just so… it was mating season for some of them on top of that, right? It was just gross how desperate they were for this man, what are they? Foxes? She’ll probably be the one officiating their divorce once these tube foxes drain his wallet and health.

>> No.45498130 [View]
File: 503 KB, 1200x600, Sanae talks to hana about her racism during the Hakurei experience.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The forest was quiet today, winter was about to begin proper after all as the signs of Letty waking up were all over the place. The snow fell lightly despite the sun’s best efforts to pierce the clouds and warm the ground, casting a gray light that somehow only complimented the pure white snowfall that fell around her like powdered sugar. Her feet and her companion’s crunched lightly under the thin layer of snow that threatened to mix into the dirt.

Despite her muffler’s best efforts, the chill still bit a bit as it flowed into her body. Her hands fared a bit better, clad in thick mittens and one being held firmly by her Komainu. Still the nearly bare trees spoke of the chill that threatened to enter them via the breeze that shook their branches scattering the last of the wonderful autumn foliage onto the freshly fallen snow. The sights were a bit dreary but winter had its own charm, though that charm did little to dispel the strange feeling she got about today and Aunn.

Hana snubbed down her weirdness from earlier, if Aunn, the little loudmouth, didn’t raise a fuss about it the night before then there was no way she knew about what happened… maybe… Either way, there was no way she could ignore the strange feeling in the air around her. Hana was nervous thanks to that, but she’d have to bring it up later when they were alone. The last thing she wanted was anyone finding out the truth of things, even if one day they would see the truth about Mama today was not that day and Hana’s heart wasn’t ready.

Alice’s house was relieving once they caught sight of it, though that didn’t last for long as the voice of the Komainu made her jump, “Hana-chan wait! You can’t, not like this!”

Hana was a statue, did… did she really… here?! Her thoughts were cut off by her dear sister and best friend, “I-I can’t let you go on like this, its not right if they see you like this!”

Her mind was frozen, as the Komainu looked up at her with her large eyes Hana could only stutter out, “N-no its not like what you think its… Its not like that, I just…”

Aunn’s voice was loud and determined like she could see all of her actions for the past few months and found her lacking, “No excuse and no buts! I can’t let it go on like this, Hana-chan doesn’t deserve things to be this way!”

How did she know! Did she tell everyone else?! Did Mima…? Marisa…?! Nonononononono, anyone but Marisa and Alice! Hana felt her limbs grow cold, as if she was being stared at by death itself, she shivered, “I… I can…”

Placing her hand on Hana’s shoulder Aunn murmured, “Hold still Hana-chan, lets be quick. Everyone that loves you is waiting!”

Shivering but keeping a straight face she asked, “E-everyone…? You mean…?” Aunn nodded her head, and pointed her to Alice’s house. Once it looked welcoming, now it looked like her doom. She didn’t want to go in there, but she knew she had to explain things. She knew that she was the only one that could help Mama just like she was the only one that could help her!

Taking her first step Aunn stopped her, “Hana-chan, wait!” She tried looking back at her Komainu but before she could her vision was obscured by a yellow and white woolen cloth, her muffler. Hana was confused but before she could ask Aunn pushed her forward, “quickly now, it’s time!”

Hana was guided by the hand as the darkness of the world was only interrupted by her footsteps and the light crunch of the thin layer of snow under her. Her breathe was assuredly coming out in large white nervous puffs as the sounds of her footsteps echoed off of the face of the cozy home, and den of persecution to be. Still, as Hana walked through the door, out of the cold, and into the warmth of her home. The pleasant scent of sweets, teas, and foods that habitually made their presences known in Alice’s home seem magnified, ah did she just make lunch…?

Hana could hear the sometimes tail of her dear friend wagging as she felt her fingers fumble on the scarf, was she… so excited to have Hana judg- Her thoughts were cut off as before her was… everyone! Mima, Marisa, Alice, Yuuka, Aya, Kosuzu, Sanae… Mamizou, Tewi, Sana, and Sara… Wait why them?

Hana had little time to dwell on it as her eyes drifted across Alice’s cozy home, packed to the gills with people and foods. Her humble table was covered across every inch with food, plenty of Hana’s favorites and a large cake that would easily feed everyone here and then some. On a counter in the dining room was a small pile of boxes, one stuck out in particular: a small box with green and red paper.

Before Hana could take in anything else the lot of them, excluding the aloof Mima and smoking Mamizou who simply raised their cup and pipe respectively, shouted ‘Happy birthday Hana~!”

>> No.45279396 [View]
File: 503 KB, 1200x600, Sanae talks to hana about her racism during the Hakurei experience.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, nice set up for meeting, do you want to handle it or should I?
If you do I can tell you her angle on this, its not very complex.

>> No.45076441 [View]
File: 503 KB, 1200x600, Sanae talks to hana about her racism during the Hakurei experience.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plots, Racism, tragedy, lust! All this and more was stored away before Reimu went on her suicide path. As Reimu held the Gohei to herself she announced to all the youkai preset, 'You want my husband? you can have him! I left all I loved in one place!'

Hearing Reimu's words the youkai left heartened, and thus began the great half-youkai era!

Last time on the HSE:

The Suzu further investigates into the HSE she is about to meet anon and is either going to job into jumping on his dick or its going to be the most cutesy meet up ever. Will suzu recommend books Anon has missed or will she become the heroine to an NTR plot????

Reimu is head dead due to chen grilling her as to why she abused Anon after a touchy freely moment, 'Mu suicide speed run confirmed.

Seija lied, cheated, and stole her way into loving Goro. Seija then raped him and took his first time after cursing his life and unlife. She is now engaged and dating with the prospects of marriage.

Meiling chased after patchy in order to retrieve her before she collapsed at the gates of the HSE. Unfortunately she jobbed to the first lewd book she found.

Kasen gets set off on a hair trigger after feeling at least sort of lewd. Hammer's Kasen makes her lewd on a hair trigger, yukari takes advantage of that.

Hana finds out Maris is keeping secrets from her and consults in Kanako, unfortunately she misses the point entirely and doesn't realize whats going on. She meets up with tewi and Eirin and tries to uncover he own ability after figuring out how many women are pregnant. Hijinks ensue

Goro gets tricked, betrayed, and raped by Seija. Sadly for Goro, Seija has fallen for him head over heels. She even used her first time to take his, holy shit shes in love. Also Hijiri is going to cream Seija's ass.

Cirno goes to Suwako to get help and gets policed investigator by Hijiri, turns out Okina just wants a cute fairy to server her with no ulterior motives... Also Satroin is pregnant and Aya is seeking privacy since she is eggnant.

Lemontene and Rikako find out about Mima but gets sidelined as Lemontene finds out that real friends are made at the end of the lemon.

Shanghai makes a house for anon :D

Koishi is pregnant and opens her eye, satorin confines her to the underground and doesn't let her go. Satorin shotgun wedding planners faction confirmed???

Aya and Momoji plot and plan against the daitengu as Aya plans funny terrorisms. Megumu gives a big scoop about how a member of the moriya shrine is visiting the HSE. Turns out Kanako is still a perma virgin.

This thread is for the spinoffs of the spinoffs of a fan work, read below to catch up.
OG work here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43718466/chapters/109935363
Read Hana's story here:
>“Hana Hakurei is the daughter of Reimu Hakurei and her husband, Anon. As the future protector of Gensokyo, Hana was never going to have a normal life, but it was worse than it should have been.”

Below is the entire story of Reimu and Anon's daughter:
>>/jp/thread/43744518#p43776208 | thread 1
>>/jp/thread/43824450#p43854608 | thread 2
>>/jp/thread/44478667#p44487729 | thread 3

Previous thread: >>45037580

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