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>> No.46673459 [View]
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Life is a conjunction of many variables and circumstances that must align, which—though it happens to most couples that decide not to pull out—is always unique. Amassing the sheer entropy of a soul by itself is hard and reserved for great magicians, but to perfect it? To create a human rather than a golem? Nearly impossible, a fool's errand…

I turn a page of the massive book, barely having to study the sigil marked on the page and its description before motioning my free hand to create a rather spiky eight-point glyph of white coloration. Quickly analyzing it for any fault inside the magic nodes of connection, I deem it perfected and let the thing ascend to join what can only be described as a nebula of sigils floating over the open space above my head, sigils bearing all aspects of the rainbow, some completely elliptical and others spiky as if a sea urchin.

This nebula of constellations of a million and one glistering connections is, in the most basic of forms, Sekai.

Each memory, each power she wields, each person that entered through the doors of the HSE and so became her father or mother, from rapists to humble janitors and supply deliveries. Souls aren't memories nor experiences; all those, preferably, are shed away before reincarnation. Souls are the driving force of the self and so Sekai will need a fitting body for all her powers and memories. All cataloged in this book.

Outer rings of small sigils twirl around massively swollen sigils—so much so Sakuya had to come and extend the Voile even further to fit them, making the mess of books and destroyed architecture worse; and apparently, the Kurodanis are busy for the time being and can't come for a while… Just my luck—the big sigils, as if protectively, encapsulating the core of the juvenile goddess: one of violet and green, another of purple and red.

When done, all thousands of them will be overlaid into one; same for the keyword that will execute it.

… To think Sekai did the same for me and Meiling when she created those ghostly bodies. I turn another page, my eyes immediately wandering to the bottom of the page. “It wasn't that hard~” I groan. I would prefer to handle this very delicate matter in peace, but apparently, a child is still a child, even when their lives are at stake. The sigil, one very calm, likely the aspect of a more serene being Sekai took after, joins the nebula of constellations and I turn the page. “That's Sister Kuma! She's kinda slow, but it's endearing.”

Breathe in, breathe out; in, out—as you were taught.

“You made a mistake in the fifth node.” I instinctually analyze the sigil I hold, finding a small thread not connected to all others.

“How are you even doing this…?” I ask myself, eyes narrowed. I initially took it at face value, but now I can not help but wonder: who in Gensokyo has the ability to see so clearly into the future? A page turned and, as expected, on the bottom of the right page was the answer.

“No one.” Oh? “The closest is Mother Keine, but to access her future sight power, I'd need the full moon. So, to see into the future, I use Mother Seija's power to reverse Mother Keine's eating of the past and True Mother's Gap to manipulate the boundaries between watching and eating. Coupled with Mother Koishi's mind reading, I can talk to you, mama Patchy~”

That's… very crafty. My heart is filled with an unfamiliar warmth that I will call ‘pride,’ but it soon gives way to a question that seeps into my soul with great dread. Knowing this brat…

Checking first that I'm the only one on this side of the Voile—Remilia should be sleeping and Koa is being herself on the other side of the library—I let the sigil I hold fly up before asking. “If you know the future so well and have a way to talk to me, you should consider enlightening me on what’s to happen.” There's almost hesitation in turning the page, but I do it anyway.

“It wouldn't be fun that way, mama~”

… Of course. But of course.

I rub my eyes for what seems like the thousandth time today, restraining well a loud groan. Processing the urge to punch the child as to not rationalize it, I calmly create the sigil and let it join the others, a pulsating wave of soft magic coming from the constellation nigh sounding as if laughter… Facing such a situation, there's only one response a competent magician should give: “You're grounded forever.” The next page turn bears not an ounce of reticence.


And so the messages stopped, not baffling me in the slightest. Avoiding contact as if time would make me forget her punishment? Hmpf, typical brat behavior. Perhaps if she were here, she'd run and hide under Meiling's skirt? Beg Remi to use her authority to dispel the punishment, maybe?


Brushing the thoughts away, I use this newfound peace to keep on building the remaining sigils—about a thousand of them—with a soft smile rising against my better judgement.

… I don’t think I’ll have to wonder for long.

Next, the alchemical process of creating a goddess.

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