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>> No.46173317 [View]
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Reimu looked between everyone, then sighed. "There's - Mugenkan connects to some sort of, uh, Dream World offshoot, or something like that. Something that's been around for a very long time." The Fantasy World, Yuuka had referred to it as. "Yeah...There's two girls. They say that they're the creators, but I don't know if that's true or not. What I do know is that they're incredibly powerful." I'd seen them wandering the hallways, playing. Specifically, playing around with the intent of drawing either Yamame or me in. "I fought them once. Never let their attacks time out. Either lose or win, do it before that. If the one with the wings gets bored..." Reimu's eyes looked a little haunted. "No rules back then, and I doubt they're obeying them now, if they even know they exist." She looked at Kasen. I know what you're thinking - And you really shouldn't take it as a challenge. If not because of how dangerous they are, then because you're not here for fun. You're here for a wedding, and you're a guest besides that."

Kasen didn't look chastised. "I know." She mock hissed at Reimu, spreading her hands wide. "I was just very curious, that's all. I'll save the challenge...For later." She turned back to me. "Can I please hug you now? I'll be gentle, promise." I nodded, fully aware that I was a complete sucker for hugs. the oni stepped closer, taking a deep breath. "Hard to gauge the strength...Again. It was hard as Raki, but it's harder together." Once more, she looked away. "We're just too affectionate now." She muttered, snapping back to look at me. "No, we're - I mean, I'm fine. Come on." She opened her arms and wrapped them around me extremely gently. "I worried about you when you first arrived at the dojo. Your mental state...But you've recovered. You're doing well now." It meant a lot to hear that from someone as strong as Kasen. "It's only because of you and Reimu convincing me to release Raki that I'm in this form at all." She replied, letting me go. "There. that wasn't so bad, was it? Hmm, Reimu?"

"Er, yeah...It was fine." Reimu looked around awkwardly. "We should probably get back out there soon, though. Any more serious talks that need to be done?" Just one, I replied. "Wait, seriously? Uh, I mean, go ahead."

Marisa Kirisame looked a little surprised when I approached her. "Huh? M-Me?" She asked blankly, pointing a finger at herself. "I mean - I get the others, but - All I did was get you hurt."

If Marisa hadn't arranged the dates she had, I probably wouldn't be here. I'd never have met Miss Junko, which meant I'd never have met Lady Hecatia. I'd never have met Iku Nagae, so I'd never have met Tenshi. I'd never have eaten the peach, so if I'd fallen down that hole, which might never have happened at all, I might have never walked back out. Marisa was just as important to me as the others, which was why I still felt bad about keeping Yamame's identity from her for so long. "Yeah, well..." Marisa awkwardly scratched her head. "I guess we can call it even. I got you hurt, you drove me halfway insane. We're good, right?" She extended a hand. "Shake on it." I clasped her hand and squeezed it tightly. "We're good." Marisa nodded. "So - I can count you as a success story, right? I mean, there's no way any other clients I get will be as accident prone as you are." If they were, I wanted to congratulate them on their survival. I was happy for Marisa to count me as a success. Also - I probably needed to pay her, or something. "Oh, er...I didn't think about that. You know, I think we might be, uh, past that now. You can pay me back by helping me find more customers, I guess. Hey, Reimu, how about-"

"Fuck off, Marisa." Was Reimu's lazy reply. This time, even Kasen didn't seem to feel a need to correct her swearing.

Marisa snorted. "Yeah, figured as much. Oh well. We'll get her someday." I hoped so, privately. Reimu was better now that she'd gotten Kuro, and I suspected that she and Lady Tamatsukuri were getting along a lot better than they were really letting on, but I still felt that slight air of loneliness from her.

"Maybe if every other possible option just up and dies. Maybe then I'll consider your, uh, services." Reimu shrugged. "Otherwise, stick to stealing from Patchouli."

"Aw, do I have to? She kicks up such a fuss. Honestly, you'd think my lifetime would be a drop in a bucket to her, but she's all "I have not one iota of willingness to lend any books to you." Height of rudeness, that. I'd feel insulted if it wasn't for the fireballs she throws at me." I thought that perhaps Lady Patchouli simply wanted to be left in peace, but it wasn't entirely my place to say so. I did say that perhaps she'd be more pleased if some of the books Marisa stole went back each time she stole new ones, though. "Hmm...Yeah, maybe. I'll think about." She looked over at Tenshi. "You want to set up an overly complicated heist with about a million different ways it could go wrong?"

>> No.17444497 [View]
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I'll take the turkey brie and some cornbread for tomorrow morning.

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