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Not him, but I did bother to research the headcount for Shoukaku and Zuikaku:

>Sunk alone or shared
M/S Herstein (freighter)*
SS Westralia (floating coal bunker) (maybe)**
HMS Hector (armed merchant cruiser)
HMS Hermes (carrier)
USS Sims (destroyer)
USS Neosho (oiler)
USS Lexington (carrier)
USS Meredith (destroyer)
USS Hornet (carrier)
HMS Lucia (submarine depot ship)
USS Enterprise (twice; also Shoukaku is the only ship to inflict damage on her)

>Sunk alone or shared
SS Westralia (floating coal bunker) (maybe)**
HMS Hermes (carrier)
USS Neosho (oiler)
USS Meredith (destroyer)
USS Hornet (carrier)
USS Yorktown (carrier)
USS Smith (destroyer)

*One source in Polish specifically mentions one T99 from Shoukaku scoring a hit on Herstein. Some sources mention that Herstein was attacked and hit by 3 dive bombers. Only Shoukaku and Zuikaku launched DBs in the Rabaul raid, Akagi and Kaga launching T97 TBs instead. Some of these T97s also attacked the ship according to some sources. From what I could personally deduce, all hits were scored by planes from the same Shoukaku squadron. I have no certainty of it however.
**Westralia was also attacked during the Rabaul raid, but only by DBs. I don't know to which ship belonged the planes that sunk it, nor how many hits it took, and I don't know where else to look for information either. It is to be understood however that either or both of 5CarDiv did it.

Also, South Dakota and Indiana were damaged during Philippines Sea, but I don't know by whose planes or whether such information is available.

Partially related to the topic, combinedfleet.com and vol. 7 of World War II Sea War (likely one of them quoting the other) claim that Zuikaku scored three torpedo hits on Pensacola during Eastern Solomons, all of which being duds. But this is the only source I could find on this matter, and nothing else, so I question its validity. Not that it matters since there was no damage either way.

Also an ending note, Shoukaku has the highest carrier score, with 3 vs. Zuikaku and Hiryuu's 2.

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