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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.10527008 [View]
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/jp/ is all I have left in my life. I'd have nothing else to do if I leave.

>> No.10513804 [View]
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>> No.10500502 [View]
File: 97 KB, 700x535, kaguya on the internet intrigued_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually arranging to go myself. I live in Spokane WA, but I may never get another chance to meet my idol in my entire life, so I'm gunning up for a hell of a road trip

I might just send you guys an email. It'd be neato to meet other Anons

>> No.10479144 [DELETED]  [View]
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What MMOs do you play /jp/?

>> No.10224760 [View]
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Now i don't know if this is faketrip-gigs or real-gigs.
I'm confused.

>> No.10128294 [View]
File: 97 KB, 700x535, kaguya on the internet intrigued_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Huh. My long term relationship experience is the opposite. My parents are happily married and get along great to this day. My brother has a girlfriend he's been with for about 4 or 5 years now that is basically just his unofficial wife by now and they're deeply in love with one another

Actually, I'm quite convinced that if you find the right woman, you can have a truly wonderful life. I just prefer to remain single and virginal because I am equally convinced that I will never find her, and even if I did, I wouldn't deserve her

Anyway, I was just making a joke about how stereotypical normals badger their hikki friends/family by talking about how they're so "antisocial" by being inside all the time, and how that thought process contrasts with the idea that posting on an internet forum is a form of socialization. Which, well, it *is*, but yeah

>> No.10123887 [View]
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Only if you're a 2hu

>> No.10100302 [View]
File: 97 KB, 700x535, kaguya on the internet intrigued_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Does this actually occur outside of highschool? I honestly have not met many women who seem to be constantly hit on by men merely because they have vaginas

Maybe I'm just not looking hard enough, and on an intellectual level I understand that women are more likely to be treated with kids gloves than men are, but it is rather distasteful how extreme many /jp/ers take it

For some reason this thread reminds me of some time an alleged female on /v/ wanted to add me to her friends list because I agreed with her on some matter or another. I don't know why I decided to include this in my post, but, well, misunderstood geniuses, etc

>I agree that there are some people who will respond to you because you are a girl but there will be twice as many people who tell you to get out in return.

This. Sexism swings both ways. Um, only in that "like/dislike" way, not that "male/female" way

>> No.10085955 [View]
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i'm losing control of my emotions, i spent early childhood trying to fit in, in the end gave up and just blunted myself through school and work before completely giving up. i've no idea what to do with myself anymore and am mainly biding my time until my mother dies so i can drown myself in opiate abuse and hopefully accidentally overdose. i refuse to put on a mask and appear normal so i can get on with life, it's way too stressful when pretty much every part of my life gets me labeled as a weirdo, a fag or a sex offender, despite the fact otherwise i'm generally calm and friendly, just awkward.

in the end, haters gonna hate and there's nothing i can do about that, best just to keep out the way and make the most of what i can

>> No.10020582 [View]
File: 97 KB, 700x535, kaguya on the internet intrigued_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Xenosaga is just a little above than mediocre if you look at the first two episodes, and they also have flawed combat system. The third episode of Xenosaga however is pure gold.

What makes it so good? Are you able to describe how it is without many spoilers? I ask because I heard that Xenosaga was supposed to be a good episode or two longer, so I always wrote the series off, assuming it suffered from bad budgeting syndrome, leading to a rushed end. Hearing that it actually wrapped up quite nicely makes me curious

>> No.10000784 [View]
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A vote for Kaguya is a vote for more time for shitposting.

>> No.9979043 [DELETED]  [View]
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Why isn't /jp/ fun anymore?

Every thread is just pointless image dumping or generals talking about the same thing over and over again.

>> No.9905118 [DELETED]  [View]
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Friday Night Otaku Activity Thread

What activities do you have planned for tonight /jp/?

>> No.9868022 [View]
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I've got a month left.

>> No.9684035 [View]
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it makes me cry on the inside

>> No.9658430 [View]
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i'm going to smoke weed and play ar tonelico

>> No.9645646 [View]
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How long did it take you to learn Japanese, /jp/?

I have about five months to learn as much as I possibly can and I've stockpiled enough adderall to keep me focused on this for I'm estimating about 10 hours each day.

How far along could I be with five months of 10 hour non-stop studying each day?

>> No.9616798 [View]
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my father left me when I was young
I was raised by mommy

I love my mother. I masturbate to the thought of having sex with her every day

>> No.9541071 [View]
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I hate myself for not being able to enjoy otaku culture even though I shitpost here. So I force myself to enjoy it.

>> No.9521006 [View]
File: 97 KB, 700x535, kaguya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What MMOs do you play /jp/?

>> No.9503565 [View]
File: 97 KB, 700x535, 1317784748590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's on your mind /jp/? You can tell me.

>> No.9413319 [View]
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A bunch of people got shot in Colorado, my friend's girlfriend cheated on him with 5 other guys and then broke up with him.

Aren't you glad you don't go outside, /jp/?

I am.

>> No.9406081 [View]
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Even on the internet small social cliques form, excluding anyone who doesn't fit in or simply hasn't been there from the beginning like everyone else. IRCs, chatgroups, small internet forums. Why? I thought the internet was supposed to be a sort of refuge. I didn't come to make friends of course, but I'd still like to talk to someone interesting, but all I find is the same stuff I find in the real world. 4chan, and /jp/ in particular, is one of the only places I know of that is still somewhat free of that.

>> No.8729632 [View]
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why is joy so hard to find,/jp/?

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