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>> No.19593063 [View]
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Eh, I like rooting for glasses but in all seriousness, to each his own. If they don't like glasses, then they don't like them and that's that, this "glasses wars" business is tongue-in-cheek anyway. De gustibus non est and all, plus part of FKG's charm is how it caters to everyone through the sheer number of characters.

>All of those archetypes listed are INFINITELY better when not tied to glasses
I'd be interested in knowing how a glasses fetishist character who wants to cover the world in glasses would work without wearing a pair herself.

Actually, there's a plant that is called glasswort and used to make glass, but it's flower meaning is "pretension", so it could work for a glasses-obsessed girl whose darkest secret is that she's a fake glasses girl with perfectly fine eyesight and non-prescription glasses.

>putting glasses on a loli
I'm almost thankful that few people do this, because otherwise I wouldn't have lasted half as long against the loli onslaught.

Makigumo, Inca Rose, Ea, these are all very dangerous women.

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