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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.1784042 [View]
File: 26 KB, 390x483, get-a-brain-morans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you think it\'d be banned in America? As in, if the Japanese were perceived as heroes fighting to retain their honor, rather than bloodsucking, ravenous beings that want to do nothing but hurt Americans?

Though I\'m only half Japanese, I have a grandmother who had lived in Japan (she was born in the 20\'s), and during the war, she had experienced the harsh reality of being labeled an enemy by the Americans and had also been shot at during the various fly-overs. Though it had to be interpreted by my father, the things that my grandmother had described were horrible to say the least. She gave up her pots and pans to make bullets for those who didn\'t even wish were in the war, and she had seen a boy crying over a bullet-riddled corpse of his mother. Not only this, by my step-grandfather had been in an internment camp, but as we all know, there weren\'t always civilized actions going on there (he actually had his legs broken by the authorities despite the fact that he was innocent). I realize that it was then, and this is now, but to have such things happen is still offensive.

With that being said, many people in Japan fought to defend their homeland rather than to defend the emperor\'s principles. A strong sense of nationalism lies within that country, and it\'s what had driven the soldiers, and it really is sad to see my heritage mocked in games like Medal of Honor and Call of Duty 5. So the point still stands, if a game came out, honoring the Japanese during World War II, would you think it\'d be banned? What would your approach be if you were doing nothing but killing Americans and Russians in the course of that game? How would you think the public would take it?

>> No.54800 [View]
File: 26 KB, 390x483, 1203780976913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what an average American looks like

>> No.54007 [View]
File: 26 KB, 390x483, get-a-brain-morans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Show me one non-Japanese who has held a political office in Japan. Show me how one can become a full Japanese citizen based on their own merits and not just marriage/birth like all western countries.

People should only be employed based on their own merits, not the color of their skin. Are you a libfag? In the USA, people of colored skin get employed not because of their skills or what they bring to the company, but because the company doesn't want to look racist. In other words, positive racial discrimination. I'm not a stormfag, but this is truth.

Also, Japan doesn't have niggers or spics because of their tight immigration laws. Sounds good to me.

>Average Japanese people think of "otaku" the same way westerners think about pedos,

I find that hard to believe. If Japanese people think of otaku the same way westerners think of pedos, then every lawmaker and politician would be bending over backwards for the voting public and causing much hysteria and there would be witch hunts and programs called "To Catch A Wapanese" with the Japanese version of Chris Hanson telling the Waps to "please take a seat over here".

>The far right-wing nationalists have had hold of Japanese politics for decades, and I don't think they'll be changing attitudes towards "filthy crime causing disgraceful gaijin" any time soon.

The question here is, does the government represent the views of the people? Or just the views of the people who donate to them?

>If you don't have any pride in your culture, nationality or ethnicity (Australia or more recently Canada *cough*) then how can you expect anyone else to respect you?

That's the whole point. Japanese culture IS superior. They got anime! And vidya games!

And what culture does America have? LOL MELTING POT OF CULTURES.

>Maybe you should just kill yourself so you can be re-incarnated as one of your beloved Japanese.

Newfag detected. Religion is bullshit.

>> No.53887 [View]
File: 26 KB, 390x483, 1203771726221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In case you didn't know ISM, Japs hate weeaboos even more then they hate their own "otaku" even more thein they hate non-Japanese blood related people in general.

You're gonna need a source on that.

From my perspective, Japan doesn't "hate" homegrown otakus, they just pity them.

Only the older generation hates foreigners (since old people are close-minded fags, whereever they're from).

And Japan doesn't "hate" foreign otakus, they just cheerfully make fun of them on tv shows.

>Japan will never acknowledge you, no matter how many animes you watch, no matter how much you troll and no matter how much moon you speak, you'll always be an inferior gaijin (outside person).

You just contradicted your hateful self, faggot.

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