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>> No.42566304 [View]
File: 517 KB, 1332x1852, 1622677325798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35033686 [View]
File: 518 KB, 1332x1852, 1612379324662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satoko's new outfit that exposes her armpits to the air! It's great because it has good ventilation and Satoko gets sweaty easily!
Not that you're looking at her armpits or anything! That would be kind of weird!
Satoko holding your hand with her sweaty palm! You don't mind though because it's cute!
A hug with Satoko! Her clothes are a little damp with moisture! You pat her hair and even that is kind of oily already! It still smells great!
Satoko inviting you into her house! There's a distinct smell in the air! You can see a clothes hamper with a few pairs of used pantyhose inside and you think the smell isn't really that bad! It's kind of sour but it's not bad at all!
Doing this and that with Satoko in her old room and getting really sweaty in the process! The room swells strongly of Satoko sweat! Like a lot! It's okay because the smell of her sweat makes you kind of horny! She's on top of you and sweat drips down from her forehead to mix with her saliva as she mmnnggaah!
Doing "that" with Satoko and you both sweat so much that it ends up really slippery everywhere! The sheets are soaked with her sweat! At one point her armpit is right in your face and you don't even think before burying your nose in it! Ahhhh, mmmm....!!
Asking Satoko to sit on your face! Please! You insist! She'll enjoy it, really! She's embarrassed by how much sweat she's generated and the resulting strong musk and only reluctantly agrees! You think she's feeling down because she's kind of a smelly girl but it's totally, totally fine, there's no problem, in fact - !
Satoko's buttsweat! Right in your face! The weight of her body settling on your head! You can't breathe air anymore because you're breathing her vaporized buttsweat instead!
The combination of the scent of her sweat and the taste of her unmentionables! Your nose is wrinkling a little bit but you really enjoy it! She drops herself all the way down and you can't even see or breathe in anymore!
Satoko's thighs that are actually pretty powerful for her age clamping down on either side of your head as she trembles and shakes in pleasure! It's almost a little painful because she's crushing your head! You didn't think her legs were this strong! But it's fine!
Satoko's trembles becoming more and more frequent as her breathing speeds up! It's coming! She's moaning a little bit in her cute voice even though she's trying not to! She bucks and shakes even harder and then clamps her thighs down on you as something hot and wet squirts onto your tongue and into your mouth! Logically it shouldn't taste good but it does! The smell is great too! She finally stops holding back and lets out a long, low moan!
A couple seconds pass and she settles down after some aftershocks! Good grief there's a lot of sweat (and other liquids) all over your face and your body and the bed! A little trail of clear liquid connects the corner of your mouth to her, ahem, lower mouth! Her breathing is still ragged! It's cute! It's totally cute!! Her budding chest is heaving up and down as she tries to catch her breath!
Bringing a sheepish Satoko into the bath! She's hiding her face because she's so embarrassed and she can't believe what she was just doing! Also she's covered in sweat and saliva and stuff and kind of sticky! You're definitely going to need to wash the sheets but you're not worried about that right now! You've both calmed down a bit!
Settling into the tub with Satoko and ending up with her in your lap and your arms loosely around her waist! Relaxing as the hot water loosens your bodies and idly running a hand through her hair! You're almost about to maybe drift off then and there when she backs up a little and her butt that's really big for her age now that you think about it goes straight into your fur seal! It's unfortunate! She wanted to relax! But that little jolt she just gave you was enough to make it stand straight up again!
Satoko pretending not to notice, turning redder and redder, and finally pouting and complaining that she just wanted to take a bath even though she's scooched even closer and kind of has you trapped in between her buttcheeks and has started to move up and down and rub 'it' a little while giving you a look!
A weird thought! It would be better if she was, you know, a little sweatier...?!
A very long night at the Houjou residence!!

>> No.34740997 [View]
File: 518 KB, 1332x1852, 1612379324662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but with Satoko instead

>> No.34466455 [View]
File: 518 KB, 1332x1852, 1612379324662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He can be hit-or-miss sometimes.

>> No.32993409 [View]
File: 518 KB, 1332x1852, 07th_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Me too. Too some no-fun-allowed would report the original, leaving meido no choice but to delete. We didn't have this problem 10 years ago.

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