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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.10150792 [DELETED]  [View]
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my cousin is 25 and he is still a virgin.

But like I said a few months ago, he is probably gay.

>> No.9887751 [View]
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In their tongue he is Autismatic... Neckbeardborn

>> No.9539862 [View]
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I am happy with him

>> No.9491888 [View]
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1. half of the people on this board are actually only interested on the Japanese media and entertainment industry not on Japan as a country
2.I don't know how old you are but when you get at some decent age you will start understanding that raging on people is retarded and useless on the internet.Your words have pretty much no meaning on the internet.So in short its same for me if you say you love or hate Japan , I just don't care what some random teenager thinks about Japan on the internet.

BTW you know how to finish the last stage in Orcs must die 2 ?

I cant seem to get 5 skulls on it,I did just try again and managed to have all rift points but I am too slow still , its the only level I have left to 5 skull and it would be nice if you give me some tips.But I think I am not the only 1 cause my score is in the top 300 on the last stage , so to finish it 5 skull would be probably top 100

>> No.9412477 [View]
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I was very angry

>> No.9349138 [View]
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nope, well no 1 knows if its a guy or women
but the owner of 2ch is Hiroyuki Nishimura

>> No.8923513 [View]
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you are trying now way too hard , but let me just say this.
Some things what seem for you to be a waste of time for some people isn't.If you put playing VN and JRPG is more important than going to the restroom, fine its your deal.

and can you stop using the word "normal" and neet , I doubt you understand the meaning of this 2 words.

If you are a neet and you piss in bottles ok no problem, but you are trying way too hard to connect that pissing inside bottles is a neet culture.

the best I can give you is a 2/10 and just because you made me laugh little

>> No.8849805 [View]
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I love Rammstein

Some german teacher at a Japanese uni used to teach the students " die Deutsche Grammatik" with this song :P

>> No.8812502 [View]
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depends what game.
its nice to see some games from my childhood again.
But even the shitty games , he somehow makes them fun to watch with his jokes.

>> No.8743267 [View]
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I actually never understood why people add the " fag" part to it?
Cant you just call them normals?
But actually its hard to say whats today normal and whats not.

>> No.8728655 [View]
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I hope you understand the tulpa shit is made by 1 troll and posted on ever board on 4 chan even on /hc/

>> No.8694586 [View]
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inception was fun

>> No.8681591 [View]
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its mine gold

>> No.8634765 [View]
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this made me laugh thx anon

anyway OP the most useful thing I can give you if this is your first time in Japan
Never use a taxi
Learn the God dam subway/train map
at night if you go out to a club/restaurant,bar be expected that some will ask you to pay for your seat.

>> No.8454563 [View]
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kill yourself please

>> No.8430163 [View]
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it was more fun back then.
not that i am complaining now , but there is a difference</spoiler>

>> No.8413319 [View]
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◕ ‿ ◕ hi

>> No.8357008 [View]
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I think you have more luck on /v/ with this copy pasta

>> No.8232509 [DELETED]  [View]
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Happy birth day to you
Happy birth day to you
Happy birth day dear /jp/
Happy birthday

>> No.8231110 [View]
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this made me laugh lol

>> No.8221438 [View]
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I don't even know what this is

>> No.8179723 [View]
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not if /v/ tards join and end up arguing about shit and "my game is better then yours" crap

>> No.8175563 [View]
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this made me laugh so hard

>> No.7990916 [View]
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