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>> No.19820777 [View]
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>Is this one of those things where you have to do prior research on what a character is good at and then style into it?
Puppet stats depend on their style, so it's not like a puppet that is offensive in normal style with terrible defenses will stay that way if you switch to Defense style. If you want to evolve a puppet, I'd just check the wiki for the possible evolutions and pick the one you like. Do note that marks don't change, so changing a Fo attacker with a red mark (+ FoAtk) to a Sp attacker via style change is a bit of a waste.
Obviously some styles are going to be better for some puppets (a puppet with many weaknesses has trouble in a defensive role), but generally there isn't a best style for most puppets.
>Do I hoard it or use it as soon as I get them?
To learn moves and adjust your abilities? Absolutely. On the other hand, stat-enhancing should wait until you know what style you want it to change into.
>I can use the type of moves a puppet gets as a way to tell if I should be putting points into focus or spread
Don't do this. To see if a puppet is good at Fo or Sp, look at their stats in the info menu and hold C (when playing with keyboard). This will display their stats at level 50, letting you compare it to your other puppets and seeing their strengths and weaknesses. This includes whether they should be attacking with Fo or Sp. Relying on the movepool is not going to work as there are Fo-focused puppets that still learn Sp moves via levelup and vice versa.
>but what about the other stats
That depends on the puppet. I think playing to a puppet's strengths is usually the way to go. So fragile but fast attackers want the relevant attack and speed so they can go first and defeat the opposing puppet before getting hit, along with likely 4 attacking moves for type coverage. Attackers with decent defenses but low speed won't go first even if you pump the speed stat, so Atk and HP works better as it lets them take more hits. This also gives them time for non-attacking moves (Buffs? Weather/Terrain? Recovery? This is where it gets interesting). Defensive puppets will almost always want full HP, followed by equalizing their defenses, and then equally raising their defenses. Unless you want a Fo- or Sp-only wall. (The actual optimum for mixed walls is HP=2*FoDef=2*SpDef.)
PS: If you are opposed to checking the wiki, remember that the only way to check the types of a puppet is to own it and look at its info section.

Speaking of PP, what should I do with my Minoriko? Having a wall that goes first can be very nice, so I don't want to 'waste' her 120 base speed, but her defenses are kind of low. Suggestions?

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