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>> No.22343101 [View]
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based anon guiding lol down the right path

>> No.22285972 [View]
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>Sure, there is no proof of that. But there isn't any proof of actual dialogue where they mention the reasons to go full spy
You can't make theories without any evidence. In relation to my arguments, my standard has been the multiple mentions that to thinking and take responsibility to choose is what makes us human, and to go against that leads to the end of the world. Miyao mentions that only an AI would give the excuse that they were 'just following orders'. Tomitake mentions to his Miyao to always keep thinking. Stan mentions that WW2 guards weren't saved from justice because they kept following orders. A strong thematic focus is to be human and make judgments rather than not think.

>Solely based on what Koshka mentions?
Yes. It's the climax of the story and the central theme of Phase 1: the problem with the world is that it lacks love. But, as I keep mentioning, lacking love is not what makes someone a spy, it's whether they stopped taking responsibility to think and choose. Anyone that loves automatically isn't a spy, anyone that stopped thinking is very likely the spy.

>I can think of couple reasons why someone would betray their comrades even with the pretext of the world going to shit.
I don't doubt that but there's a difference between betraying someone for something you value with nihilistically desiring everything to die because you stopped thinking. To side with the Three Kings is to desire the end of the world. Hell, not even Jesstress fully sides with them because she values something. You have to ask this fundamental question: what would require someone to accept the end of the word? Even Jesstress knows that the Three King want to kill everyone and that even if two people survive, it's a victory for humanity.

>or maybe it's my conscious desire to wanting to be treated fairly. not wanting to be called a goat when i've been one of the more active posters itt. especially not by someone posting absurd theories i don't agree with.
There is nothing unfair about discussing opinions. Whether anyone's views are correct or not will be revealed in due time. You are free to not agree with my views or opinions but it will remain subjective and inconsequential without any alternative perspectives or reasoning behind it. I've also yet to hear any of your views on who is the spy and why. It's a failure of human debate that someone isn't following proper norm by boastfully saying that their views is more likely to be correct. I am self-aware of my bravado and how it is uncouth, yet I do it anyway because I like bragging, especially if I'll end up being correct in the future. Prestige is a fun reward when your theories are proven correct.

May 2020, probably summer.

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