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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.9906621 [View]
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/jp/! I need your help!

A listened to a remix of U.N. Owen was her about two years ago. I have never seen this specific remix again, and it is driving me nuts. NUTS. For the love of god, please help me.

I remember it pretty well, except some fine details and the name of the video. It's very frustrating. I've been looking for hours.

It was pretty slow, done on a piano or maybe an organ. Not electric sounding. I think there may have been sounds of rain in the background. The word 'girls' may have been in the video title.

People on the youtube comments were talking about it being kind of haunting or scary. One person particularly said something to the effect of "It makes me wanna look behind me." I have tried things like this as search terms to help me find it with no luck.

It was probably 3-4 minutes long (Not that that says much.) If there is anything else I can give for information, please don't hesitate to ask. I may remember, even if it's just a tiny detail.

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