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>> No.45045552 [View]
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Alice is suffering. Her creator, abandoning any sort of ethics a guardian should have, has loudly proclaimed every foolish thing Alice has ever done. Perhaps, such a thing could be bearable if she simply knew it was happening somewhere else, but Shinki’s surprisingly strong arm has kept Alice trapped in her own personal hell.

Her only consolation came from the girl across from her. Despite her childishness and thievery, Alice could only feel a sense of camaraderie for the girl whose teacher is currently recounting the time she ate a mushroom she misidentified before vomiting and crying for three hours.

Had the circumstances been different, Alice would definitely have lorded such a story over Marisa. However, given Marisa just heard about the Spell Book Incident… suffice to say, either side has enough ammunition to destroy the other.

As Marisa is lifted up and placed onto Mima’s lap like an oversized doll, Alice ponders if the math has changed. That line of questioning is quickly brought to an end as Shinki follows suit.
It’s not fair. Alice is done growing and she’s accepted that, but why is it that women like Mima and Shinki are just… larger than her in many aspects? Was it due to her nature as an artificial creation rather than a naturally born being?

Such questions help Alice ignore Shinki’s hot breath on her neck and the stench of alcohol upon it as her creator speaks, “Y’know, I was wondering. Why don’t you throw your… normal hat into the ring regarding this Anon fellow?”

Mima and Marisa stiffen for very different reasons. Marisa’s concern is obvious given the way she eyes her mentor, while Mima’s seems rather clear too given the way she adjusts her hat.

After a few moments, Mima shakes her head and turns her attention back to Shinki, “Been there, done that. The way I see it, the girls of today should be the ones fighting over boys. For old has-beens like Yukari to start pushing around kids and stealing their men? It makes you wonder why she hasn’t gotten one up until now. Give him a century and make him a ghost or something and then maybe.”

Oblivious to the relief of the girl on her lap, Mima idly strokes Marisa’s hair before narrowing her eyes at Shinki, “That being said, I’ve been living sealed up for… far too long. Surely after all this time, someone must have caught your eye. Unless you already have someone of course.”

Shinki’s grip on Alice tightens as she begins to blush, “No, no. Nothing like that. It’s just that I’ve been busy and haven’t had time to bother myself with the lowly affairs of mortals.”

Mima adopts a dopey smile colored by an alcohol-fueled blush, “I see, and your reluctance has nothing to do with the fallen angel you’ve been living with for how many years? The one you’ve created and raised children with. The one you ran off to make a kingdom with.”

Shinki furiously shakes her head, “I’m telling you, it’s nothing like that. Sariel is just a… skilled and useful companion in-”

Mima cuts her off, “In your bed.”

That seems to be a bridge too far as Shinki begins to rise she shouts, “You take that back! I’m not fucking Sariel!”

Thankfully, Shinki’s maternal instinct kicks in right before Alice is thrown to the floor by her rapid ascent. Instead, Alice is gently placed on the floor before Shinki rears on Mima who has done the same.

Refusing to back down, Mima gives a cocky grin as she replies, “I know it, you know it, everyone knows it. Hell, it even prompted some awkward questions from little Marisa about your ‘alternate lifestyle’.”

Seemingly transcending the need for words, Shinki gave a succinct reply by shooting a wave of unrefined magic in Mima’s general area. This of course escalates into a fight between the two.

As Alice cowers under the table, she remembers why exactly she hates her creator’s visits. However, her mood quickly changes when she feels some baskets under the table. Makai mushrooms, refined metals, and socks? Perhaps Alice misjudged her creator.

Fuck me, it feels like I turned my attention to other things for a second and missed half the story go by. I'm not dead, just busy. Still, there is much work to be done. I think I'll skip some fluff and present Marisa with the ultimatum next post

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