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>> No.38498519 [View]
File: 184 KB, 1153x814, satok knows but wont tell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pfft, I bet Lambda doesn't even know what sex is.

>> No.36194531 [View]
File: 184 KB, 1153x814, satok knows but wont tell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well, given this fragment is almost done. It was a week long school field trip to a large farm in the middle of beautiful countryside. Girls and boys slept in two separate large rooms.

We had all sorts of organized activities throughout the days, some just what you'd expect from a kids class trip, some kinda weird if you ask me. But many of them involved breaking up the normal social cliques and making us do things in boy-girl pairs. One weird thing that has stayed with me all these years was a thing where the entire class had to lay on the floor a ring of alternating genders, everyone partially on top of each other. I had a fat bullied girl on top of me. She was heavy. It was painful. No, she didn't look like Ange. But I digress, that wasn't what this story is about.

One afternoon in a class of sorts where we were mostly just casually chatting with the camp leader guy, he started openly asking somewhat inappropriate questions, much to our class teacher's (an old lady) surprise. Like making us do a show of hands how many have already masturbated and talk about sexual stuff in a way that's was teetering on the edge of what is appropriate for sex ed class. I remember class teacher was fuming mad about the whole thing later. In hindsight, the camp leader dude was definitely a pedophile. That sort of thing wouldn't fly today, but it was the 90s.

The atmosphere throughout the rest of the evening was one of one of sexual tension, or rather, curiosity. We were just kids after all--pic related kinda sums it up. Later that night, after we were separated into boys and girls groups... the boys, led by a couple of early bloomer perverts, decided to sneak into the girls' sleeping room. Most of us did, only few stayed behind because they were tired. I didn't realize this at the time, but some of the girls must have been in the plan as well. Unlocked doors and it's like they were waiting for us. Few of the more bold and adventurous kids (definitely not me) started flirting, eventually even kissing and feeling each other up. Or going into the same sleeping bag with clothes on. Once one of the pervy boys had the idea to start playing a game just like in >>36184959 and pants started flying off, it became too much for most. We started quietly sneaking back out. The priority was to not let the adults know. Kids were hiding anywhere they thought the adults wouldn't find them, as if there was anyone up at the hour and looking for us. The toilets were full. Some boys risked going back to their sleeping room, which was in a different building and quite far away. I don't know where some of us went.

I somehow ended up fleeing in the other direction with the only girl from the class that I kinda knew, the little sister of my older friend. We hid in bushes on a nearby hill slope where we had been playing earlier. The lewd stuff was still racing on our minds and we ended up talking about what his big brother had done to girls he brought home. She never mentioned anything more than kissing and smooching and she found it all icky. We talked about this and that, but the topics always went back to lewd stuff and she eventually agreed to try the same game we fled from. I rapidly removed my pants with gusto, not paying attention to her as she did the same. There she was, climbing up my legs to straddle herself on top of my waist. On that warm summer night, in the bushes where moonlight was barely enough to see anything. The ground didn't feel good with sharp pine needles against my ass cheeks and her weight on me only made it worse. But it was amazing. Doing super sexy adult stuff! With a girl of my age (and size) that I knew and liked! Putting my hands on her bare thighs! I don't think we ever even though of a time limit for the game, but I lost very quickly. She twitched, let out a cute sound in surprise, stood up and found her first encounter with sperm to be *very* icky. That's when I saw she wasn't wearing panties like I thought she was. Bare cuncun with sticky glistening liquid running down it, right in front of my face thanks to the hill slope we were on.

>> No.34878068 [View]
File: 185 KB, 1153x814, satok knows but wont tell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34142053 [View]
File: 185 KB, 1153x814, 1605749330442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


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