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This will be my last blog

I finally finished watching NogiDoko. Within the first few episodes of Nogichuu I've found I've already lost all interest in continuing the show. It was fun while it lasted I guess. I still like Nogizaka, but watching these girls grow has become incredibly mentally draining as of late. I had already spoiled myself that Nanamin would graduate by the 15th single. I watched her graduation episode today, then doubled down on the spoilers and checked all the future centers and the order of graduation of the remaining 1ki. Curiosity got the best of me. I went to the members igs to see how they look now and I wish I haven't. Kawago is now a plastic doll monstrosity. I don't know what the hell she did to her nose. Misamisa has like 2 children now and has most certainly hit multiple walls after achieving that. Well, good for her. At least she's achieved something. 33 year old Fukagawa on the other hand is doing some gay solo travelling in some middle eastern shithole while coping that she's living the life. Shiraishi is busy doing youtube videos, bleaching her skin white, and just gaining more fat on her face. I still remember the bride episode on Nogibingo where she said her ideal husband needed to be manly, good with tools, ambitious, and a million other things. Well good luck having any of that now that you're 32 and way past your prime. Shit man, I still like these girls, I really do, but just watching them age until they reach these sorry current states is such a fucking depressing thought. The worst part is not even the girls. They come and go, it's the norm for idol groups. However, I watched a more recent episode of Nogichuu and saw how fucking old, wrinkly, how completely devoid of life Shitara and Himura had become. It was genuinely heartbreaking. That sight alone made me take a smoke break and question what I've done in my life. It made me momentarily relive the trauma of watching both my parents age and die. Shitara sort of gets a pass because he seems healthy, but Himura still sporting his funny bowlcut when he is looking more and more like a proper ojiisan. I don't know how to explain it... It's like he's still a child at heart. Like he's refusing to acknowledge the fact he's getting older and withering away. At that point, I can't watch the show anymore I realized. For my own sanity. I might even quit this place for some time and do something else instead of watching idol shows. Nogidoko was fun. I'm glad I started it. I had fun with Bananaman and the girls, but I'm afraid my journey ends here.

My favorite Nogi song and blog theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24XRAyGMPXM

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