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>> No.11912250 [View]
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Before becoming the Judge of Paradise, Shiki spent her days as a delinquent Slav

>> No.11395303 [View]
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>> No.11348514 [View]
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>> No.9664199 [View]
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Rather curious how often the good judge is portrayed as unstable or even ignorant or immature, especially considering how her divine power is specifically always being able to tell clear-cut right from wrong.

>> No.8059836 [View]
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That was a long time ago. Although how long ago exactly, nobody knows.

Supposedly Shiki was on earth in the form of a statue before she became one of the yama, so either some forgotten pre-human civilization was all buddhist, or the celestial bureaucracy works differently in Touhou.

>> No.6496662 [View]
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Nobody's got sins to confess.

>> No.6270851 [View]
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Probably not. Besides being a deified giantess, Skadi is usually described as far more competent and cunning than anything Cirno has shown thus far, and she isn't so much a goddess of ice as she is impervious to cold.
However, Skadi fulfills pretty much all the criteria for a deva of the mountain (pure coincidence).

>> No.5703828 [View]
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She's never taken it easy.

>> No.5403902 [View]
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You'd be rolled in hot iron shavings while an oni saws you in half from the groin and up.

>> No.5070784 [View]
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For that, we have young maladjusted yama toting broken beer bottles and bicycle chains.

Not all yama are within the boundaries of the law, but all serve to maintain the system. One way or another.

>> No.4753133 [View]
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You've had your chance.
You should've taken it when she was in the prime of her youth and was the meanest girl in the whole Hell of Sawn Alive.
Granted, it was a couple of kalpas ago. But that is no excuse.

>> No.4684525 [View]
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The law of the underworldly streets does not take kindly to religious extortion.

Likely the hell of Avici is not actually a traditional flaming hell, but filled with young problem yama toting broken bottles and bicycle chains.

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