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>> No.40506663 [View]
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In a tunnel leading upwards, I exit out onto a mountain ledge, many deacon statues all around, facing up at the moon. Looking up at the moon, there seemed to be a fetus eclipsing it, it unfurled, revealing itself to be Dragon God. It breathed fire down at me as I ran back into the tunnel, the flames turned blue as they hit the ground, and miracle circles appeared around the deacon statues. I ran deep into the tunnel and behind a door, though the blue flames still crept under it. I had the Iron Shield, though this time it looked like DeS's Steel Shield.
Looked through a bonfire menu, the ones associated with places near Dragon God had an Iron Shield icon next to them with the text "Lore" beneath it.
With Yukari, I go out onto the mountain, this time the Dragon God let us be, perhaps since there was a fence in the way. We went into a tunnel near the summit, sitting at a table. Yukari had ate something so I point out she's got some butter on her face, laughing about it, she laughs back at how terrible my laugh sounds, imitating "teh heh" I reach under the table for something, saying "Just because I suck at everything except dreaming" as I come back up I hear her say I'd be saying "This is the best place in the world!" I asked "What? 'With Yukari?'" She says "A mental ward." We exit the tunnel, as I ask "You're a location too, right?" thinking of the menu of bonfires, but she doesn't say. I ask, "Hey, lets go to the summit together" she refuses, I say "Please!" she says "No thanks! Let's just keep moving on."

Arguing with someone in PSN messages, I say "We either settle this at Pontiff, or we settle this here." I go away afterwards, and barbed wire appears all up in my body.

In a room, a girl's meter goes up while mine goes down, they say something about her, calling it destiny, and "All is for the entertainment of Uther."

Trying to destroy something, setting up some explosives, but the explosion was triggered while I was close enough to get killed. Afterwards I'm being told "It was going so well..." I thought "Yeah, it WAS going so well" thinking of before I ever posted dreams. Unlocked an ending in LoL, there were 10, I had unlocked 4 of them, the other 6 were shaded, I had unlocked them before but they were closed off now, one of them was Fiddlesticks getting to be with his master/creator as a happy slave. Selecting the ending I just unlocked, I was transported to a dwarven town, maybe an Astral place, but the thing was is that everyone resets positions every so often, so it's really just fucking nothing

There was a teacher who was supposed to help me out, but he just said he's taking his lunch break. He went off and I followed, asking about reviving my Yukari figure, and where it was buried. He says "Your figure?" like I'm crazy, though I knew he knew better. A bunch of kids come up making fun of me, so I start walking away, tracing a circle around the teacher and them with my finger, saying "You're all cursed to get shit on by demons in Hell." A latecoming kid, seeming innocent, went to join his friends in the circle I was tracing, I thought he was very unfortunate

Hecatia came to me and said "I finally understand you Eilienen." I said "Will you help me?" She refused. Afterwards I was told that was just an illusion of her
In a bedroom, Hecatia was blankets of cosmos upon it, and I tried buncing them up as much as possible, trying to get completely on top of her

At a house party, a guy is acting interested in my drawing, though I'm embarassed about the quality. I show a picture of a ginger girl I love called "Oo oo" he kept acting interested, I flipped the page to a picture of "Robo-Oo oo", her as a robot, he seemed to think its stupid and left. I'm not talking to anyone at this party. I see Medicine Melancholy at the other side of the room, nobody's talking to her either, and her blue eyes have no light in them. I thought about one dream where I had a music project called "Chemical Doll" She noticed me looking at her, coming over to me, I picked her up

Watching "Sorting Hat" Hogwarts thing, but it was with a flask with red crystals in it. An offscreen woman slushes the flask around, the water turns red. She says "Inner-DemonBeastChad house" I laughed, "Chad?". Then she starts screaming violently as whoever she read it for tears her apart offscreen.

Walking around near where I live, I thought of going to a certain house where Belial/Baal lived and apologising.

Inuyasha had the ability to cause sheets of lightning by ia striking with Tessaiga. He was fighting with Miroku in a forest. Miroku was flying in the air but Inuyasha knocked him down with a sheet of lightning, making him say "Damnit, if I knew you'd do this I would've summoned the demons on you" Then the two of them were choking eachother as others watched, until Kagome comes and they stop. She asks "What's going on? Have you decided the leader of the Lightning team yet?" Someone says "They were just about to decide it, until you came."

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