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>> No.46965797 [View]
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Kanako was getting flustered, the redness that started in her ears spread into her cheeks, she took her hand out of Hana’s and held them in front of her defensively, “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about. My moves were mediocre at best, I’m the reason we didn’t win the hidden singers festival! Nobody even bought my figures, and-“

However, there were some things that had to be done. Some things that must be seen, Hana knew this, “I don’t care about that at all! I only really know the dances I learned for rituals and stuff, so seeing Kanako-sama dance like that inspired me! Please teach me, please!”

In the distance, thunder shook the sky despite the only clouds in the sky being fluffy and white. In the here and now, Kanako stammered out, “F-fine, as goddess of the Moriyan shrine and true idol of Gensokyo I’ll show you!”

The true god of the Moriyan shrine, top idol of Gensokyo, and future top god of the outside world, Kanako Yasaka, ‘entered’ into the room as the lights flicked on. The light was a beam from a fancy lantern Suwako called a flashlight, it shone from above as Hana floated there and announced, “Introducing, the top idol of the Moriyan shrine, Yasaka-chan!”

Kanako’s ‘dress’, well more of a skirt so short it’d belong on a youkai, barely extended past her hips, and trimmed just enough on the edges to see a hint of what undergarments she wore; It made Hana wish she had Suwako’s job. The soft material looked lightweight and breathable, and its similar in color to the maroons she normally wore. Her shimenawa formed a fashionable looking belt on her waist, two shide streamed down to her knees where it bounced with each movement she made. The top was a smaller tank top that showed off her navel, like a more revealing version of Sanae’s spring Hakama, It revealed a good bit of cleavage as well, but stopped before it was trashy. It ended in small shoulder-covering cuffs that gave an air of restraint to the outfit. Even Kanako’s fluffy hair was done up into twintails, which framed her face in a way that was better suited to one of the shine maiden apprentices rather than a goddess.

Suwako was crouching below, party popper in hand and grin as wide the sky, she let out a ‘wooo~’ as she pulled the cord. Letting the confetti fly up into the air as Kanako struck a well-practiced seductive pose, Suwako quickly hit the button on a kappa made music player.

Energetic music, not incomparable to the kind of dance music you’d hear that prismriver tool-spirit band playing, streamed out from the grille-covered speakers. Raising one arm up from where it lay at her side, she gracefully let her clammy hand lead it into a graceful ascent over her head as she spoke, “Raising the heart of Gensokyo”, she let the other raise in the same manner, “letting it fly to the sky like my love for you!”.

She combined her hands dramatically, combining them over her breasts to form a little heart with her fingers while tilting her head slightly, “I’ll answer all your prayers~!”. Hana saw a heart-shaped danmaku burst forth from her fingers before it faded.

Kanako trembled lightly as Suwako covered her mouth, desperate to not crack up, the song played without ceasing despite no one saying another word. The moment froze with Kanako in that pose, Hana knew what she had to do, it even came naturally to her. She made a cheer from her spot above Kanako, “Go-go, Yasaka-chan is the coolest, she’s a beauty~!”

Remembering her objective, if there was ever any, Kanako seemed to thaw out instantly, the old routine seemed to flow with all the power of a gentle stream. She dropped her hands, letting them crash to her sides and resetting her posture. Leaning forward, placing a hand on each of her knees, she seductively winks and kisses towards the far wall, “I-I hope you enjoy, let your number one goddess show you her love!”

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