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>> No.45642038 [View]
File: 790 KB, 1258x736, And so Anon spent his day fishing for (You)s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong thread anon? Also naw, in context it should be Wormslut asking whether Sords know she's not a virgin. "Desuyo?" here could be taken as "did you know?"
>big money from farming WNs
AFAIK, the only site that does that is Kakuyomu, but that's only for published titles under Kadokawa's imprint like Kawakami's On a Godless Planet, etc. Technically, *lphapolis also does that, but nobody with a working brain would ever associate themselves with that abomination now. At the very least, I'm pretty sure Narou did none of those paywall shit and instead monitors that heavily.

Unless by "farming WNs" you mean making LN adaptations out of dime-a-dozen shits? If so, then yes, it does matter, since not all of the fans of a series would buy its LN version. If not, MT/Slime would reign from 2014/2018 onwards since it got the top spot on the Narou ranking with a bajillion of readers.
Shit, that's one heck of a misinformation. Adding Steiner's statement after basically saying "them translators are the real menace since they brought shit TL and muh politics in the first place." Makes it seem as if he's one of the perpetrators, even though Rance X hasn't been published yet and Dendrofags, Baldrfags, and other Chuunigefags would happily defend his TL. I would agree if it was Nukitashi/Tokyo Necro translator/editor that they're bashing, but no, it just gotta be Steiner.

Here's your (You).

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