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>> No.46940654 [View]
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>This is an SMT thing, right? Could you elaborate on that?
Actually, no, while SMT's cosmology functions very similarly (no surprise considering how much ZUN ripped straight from it) the Mental Layer is a distinct aspect of Touhou's cosmology.

The simple explanation would be that it's similar to the idea of the Collective Unconsciousness that Carl Jung describes in his works, or as I believe EclipseAnon mentioned, the Immaterium in Warhammer. It builds upon the Physical Layer (Material Reality) to provide a level for spiritual existences to be anchored to. Inasfar as Gensokyo goes, it seems to be designed as an isolated bubble of the Mental Layer, so to speak, to reduce the influence of the Outside World's accepted beliefs. (although considering how the more famous types of youkai like Tengu and Oni are still the most populous, it seems to not be 100% effective.)
>...are you perhaps practicing something yourself?
Not as far as I'm aware of, at least. My experiences boil down to the fact that, as mentioned earlier, the few times I've bothered to pray I got tangible results. My mentality about the whole issue boils down to "If some intangible force wants to assist me, I won't refuse it, but I'm not going to change the core of how I live my life, either." I'm still largely ambivalent about the matter, but that's more because I dislike the idea of something like that interfering with my own personal goals.
>You mentioned something about Kasen earlier, what do you think of her?
In short? Easily my favorite character in the series, no contest. Although I suppose to be slightly more accurate, it would be Ibaraki-Douji that's my favorite, but that's almost pedantry. As for why, it boils down to her being one of the few characters that's consistently a genuinely good person, and her character arc (which I will never forgive ZUN for just aborting at the end) being a matter of overcoming her own nature and making peace with her past. It just happens to hit fairly close to home for me. The quote "Is it better to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" comes to mind.

Closing out, on this subject,
>I'm not 100% sure on this myself, but I do feel like there is some process of co-mingling going on.
Jerry Marzinski's work, which I mentioned earlier, has some particularly interesting takes which could loop back around to the idea of such entities not all being on the same page. It essentially suggests in part that there is a degree of influence behind the shift to secular rationalism, and the gradual denial of the existence of mysticism. Given his studies and how they would indicate human thought can fairly easily influence such things, I'd imagine it would be as a defense mechanism? If spirituality and science were as closely entwined as they used to be, the "Goetia" of the framework such entities exist in would be much better understood, which would shift the power dynamic even further into humanity's favor.

I've got some more ideas floating around in my head on the matter, but as of right now they're still all half-formed. I'll add them later once I've consciously articulated them.

>> No.46870091 [View]
File: 1.17 MB, 845x1447, __ibaraki_douji_touhou_drawn_by_kn001215__8f8f035b3409ea8d0a645f8959275515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The giant cursed hand threw Yuugi, her body sailing through the air and Toppling backward. almost falling off of the branch she eventually landed on.
Before she was even able to regain her senses, she was seized by the neck, Kasen’s bandages acting like vipers as they constricted around Yuugi’s neck.

Kaen had already arrived, floating up in the air towards her one-time sister as her eyes remained in shadow. Yuugi looked down at Kasen, pleading with her sister to stop as she joined her on the luminous white branch.

“Looks like I got here a moment too soon, eh kid?” Suika said, half in jest, half in apology. Realistically she was the only one who could breach Kasen’s Senkai in time.
Kasen turned as quickly as she could, letting go of Yuugi with her bandages so she could whip them at Suika.

But she wasn't fast enough, her bandages were too tangled around Yuugi and Suika had already gotten too close before announcing herself. By the time Kasen had fully let go of Yuugi Suika was already on her, showing the stump of Kasen’s cursed hand towards her like a dagger.
Kasen's vision went white as pain suddenly overtook her. Falling onto her Knees Kasen twitched as the arm forced itself back into her body, feebly grabbing it as it writhed.
Suika flipped over Kasen’s prone form and landed in front of Yuugi.

Yuugi shook her head at the irresponsible blue little Oni. “Huh, well I guess this is it.”
Looking back to their fallen foe, the Oni saw as Ibaraki rose to her feet, flexing her hand as her gaze remained transfixed on her palm, a single word escaped her mouth. “Koutei…”
Peering down off the the branch of the tree, Ibaraki ignored the two looking down at her dragon's prone form, wriggling among the roots of the tree.

“So, we gonna still have a problem?” Suika coughed, bouncing on the heels to her feet, before bringing her Ibuki gourd to her mouth as she did so. “Or are you free from Yukari’s control?”
Ibaraki didn't even turn to face them waving them off with one hand dismissively and in a dismissive tone. “We’re fine.”

“We’re?” Yuugi questioned, looking at the reformed Oni warily.

Ibaraki looked over her shoulder annoyed. “Yeah, ‘we’re,’ you two, me, we’re fine now.” The remade Oni brushed them off, flicking her hand and the remnants of her bandage, droplets of cursed liquid flung away as they dissipated into nothing.

“So, uh, I guess we should go kill Yukari now?” Yuugi shrugged noncommittally, it was something she really wanted to do, but Suika was fond of her for some reason and Ibaraki was quickly making things awkward.

Ibaraki rolled her eyes. “Yeah, Whatever, I have my own shit going on. You guys can do whatever the fuck you want.” At that the Oni jumped away, leaving a crater behind in the branch.
“Dramatic much?” Yuugi complained. Ibaraki had always been theatrical and prone to wild outbursts of emotion, even when she tried to appear calculating or to be taking her time it was often due to her own anxiety and inability to properly understand her own emotions

Suika shrugged. “Eh, kid can go do what she wants, not like she's gonna help Yukari.” Suika just shook her head, sometimes she really didn't get these youngsters she surrounded herself with. “But we can’t kill Yukari, her power is interwoven with Gensokyo; the most we can do is seal her away.” Suika might’ve made a more impassioned defense, but she couldn't defend her long-time friend, she had gone too far.

Yuugi just sighed, this thing had gotten all too complicated anyway, they might as well help take out Yukari. Besides, she really shouldn't be putting Suika into a situation where she has to be the serious one.

It only took a second for Ibarak to land among the roots beneath the trees. Koutei, still possessed, wriggled in pain as he sensed her presence. Tring to get up and fight her he reared his head, the gap-eyes still plainly visible.

A pained smile crossed Ibaraki’s face and with a voice like that of greeting an old friend, she muttered “Yukari…” And then her bandages, her whisps exploded outwards, grabbing onto Koutei before releasing a burst of white energy. “That should fix things.”

Small motes of the white energy lingered as Koutei went to her, groveling. The motes of light burned against her skin.

“Mhhh, yes we should get home Koutei. Komachi is probably worried sick about me.” The thought of her friend brought a smile to Ibaraki’s face, although she would’ve preferred it if-

“It’s been washed away-”

What was that, there was a voice, faint and distant but unmistakable. A human voice, weren’t they all evacuating, that was poetry wasn’t it, who cou-

“-The waves wash the old moss’ hair”

Ibaraki’s heart sank as she heard the voice more clearly.
It seems like the Oni had one more piece of business to take care of before she could head home.

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