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okay guys I haven't wrote one of these this thread so far as I've been finishing my academic year but god knows I'm not going to go back on what I said and I'm going to post one of these mother fuckers once a thread at the very least.

>wake up to my alarm going off
>I try to lean forward but every single muscle hurts as I do so
no no no no
>I bang the back on head against my pillow and sigh just looking up at the ceiling
>stiff joints
>cramped stomach
>muscle aches
>so much sweat
>it's a saturday but I have to be at a meeting
>nocchi seems to already be awake
>at the very least she'll be glad I won’t be spending another day at work this week but this wouldn't be the first meeting I've skipped out on a meeting
>I start banging my head again thinking about the scolding I might get. Wondering if I'll be penalized for this
>nocchi has already asked me to quit my job but the idea of nocchi growing tired of me worries me already, spending every moment with her would only amplify that concern
>I force myself out of bed and walk out into the kitchen
>nocchi swings her head and watches me as I approach her and collapse in the seat next to her
I'm not going in today
>her eyes widen, gleaming with delight
>she scooted up right next to me and leans on me, looking closely into my eyes, faces almost touching
>you look so ill, how bad is it? I'll take care of you
>she kisses me on the forehead, much like I always do to her and then flings her body weight backwards as she attempts to pull me out of the chair
>I use the little energy I have to stand up as she pulls me and walk back to the bedroom with her
>I fall like a tombstone back onto the bed and nocchi gets on top of me and looks into my eyes smiling as I stare lifelessly back at her
>she leans forward and pecks me a few times on the lips and rolls over and clings to my arm
I need to call in to work
>as I reach for the phone
>she grabs my phone and scampers out of the bedroom to make the call for me
>I lay there wishing I were in a coma as she makes the phone call
>I close my eyes as the thoughts start to fade, I start falling asleep again

>hey, hey anon
>I feel her hand on my cheek as she gently pecks the other
>as she brings me to consciousness the dull pain inside my head kills any chance of me greeting her with a smile
>she looks into my eyes longingly
>she must be bored, I wonder how long I've been asleep
>I made you some dinner anon
>I slowly start to notice the smell of italian food, my stomach cramps as the thought of eating crosses my mind
>I turn my head to see a huge serving of lasagne on bedside table
>I thought of trying to eat all of it pops into my head and I suppress the urge to groan loudly
thank you nocchi, but I think I may have a stomach virus or maybe food poisoning
>as I say that the smile she had be nursing all day soured as her eyes told a story of disappointment
>oh, sorry anon. I, I’ll put it away for later
>god disappointing her like that is almost as painful as my stomach cramps
>any other day I would deal with the pain of fitting a nocchi sized portion inside me but it was out of the question today
>still knowing I upset her nearly makes me want to try to
>she walks out of the room with the plate
>damn it, it doesn't feel right going back to sleep after that, I got to cheer her up again
>I lifted myself up and walk to her to see her watching TV silently
>her expression was one of concentrating almost, she seemed focused on the ads
Thanks for taking care of me, you make being sick enjoyable. it's pretty luck I got ill really. it means I get to spend the day with you.
>she turns to me with a frown and gestures me to sit next to her
>I gently lower myself onto the coach and lay down
>she puts my head onto her lap and starts stroking my hair, her smile slowly returned as I looked up at her until she gets to embarrassed to maintain eye contact
>the idea of taking care of me was probably exciting for her but I don't think she knows where to begin
>in retrospect it's just a another cute quirk that makes me smile
>as she stroked my hair rhythmically I began to fall back to sleep

I woke up well enough the next day to entertain her desires to care for me. her the wide cheesy smile she kept on her face the whole day makes getting sick somewhat enjoyable.

rushed out for the end of the thread, hope it's not TOO shit
every day I spend without nocchi gf is another day I spend contemplating the idea of doing something drastic, make something happen amuse

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