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>> No.46186009 [View]
File: 400 KB, 600x500, __kamishirasawa_keine_touhou_drawn_by_kaigen_1025__af8b01fa03d918906559e5713ea7ae3c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can only imagine what Mr. Hieda was feeling now…

It’s hard to hide my smug, my left hand holding my chin~

Mochi, having forgotten Suzu's bells, munched on his fist and stared at the adult sparrow as Suzu softly drew circles on her back, whispering soothing words to calm the still-crying sparrow, Aki in her arms, giggling and flapping her wings; so energized!

The mob surrounding the man and his samurai stirred with unrest, words whispered, understanding the tender moment of just now spreading like wildfire. A human forgives, a youkai weeps—a vein of fuel for the flames of our rebellion. Mr. Hieda tsked, a hand hovering next to his revolver. “Bullshitting you…?!” His tone said what the masquerade of dissatisfaction couldn't convey: he was shaken. “After this absurdity?! My point was made, Devil, I have nothing more to discuss with you and your inability to look away from the sun—you aim so very high, expecting simple men to follow your impossibilities…”

“That's the purpose of a leader, Mr. Hieda: guide others where they cannot reach,” Keine cut him, her fists closed and platinum hair framing an expression of just suicide. “… Things won't be easy from here; no one that stood here after you and your men entered expected as such—but to live one more second of that miserable life…? Of denying my children the world? A life for the next generation that doesn't know better?! Embracing your strength and the resilience of the Human Village, which withstood the worst of Gensokyo, may bring you contentment… But I want more, Mr. Hieda, and no amount of pain I face will change that!” She held her breath for a moment, pondering something no one could fathom… Then, “… Akyuu did the same.” Mr. Hieda's hand clasped the revolver's grip; my flames surged to life, just waiting. The audience, simultaneously agitated and morbidly intrigued by the drama, did not move an inch. “Akyuu’s sickness worsened every day; the physical and mental effort of writing that much… She knew she could and would die anytime soon, yet she never stopped writing the Gensokyo Chronicles. She did her very best so we’d never forget what made us who we are today.” A moment of silence. “You were a great father, Mr. Hieda, and Akyuu idolized you; she never gave up… So why have you?”

In his silence, all the man could do was clench his hold on the gun.

It was answer enough.

“Coward!” Mr. Hieda's face whipped towards the sudden, angry voice. “You gave up on us!”

“Taxes have only been raised, yet no improvement?! Why have you given up?!” From the other side of the crowd.

The wide-eyed samurai surrounding the old sack of bones tried to say something, maintain authority, but the restlessness only grew. “You're not a leader!”

“Y-You fools, don't you understand?! Nothing will improve for you under her daft ideals!” I laughed aloud as he attempted to yell to everyone and no one at the same time, only to be nearly struck by a flying bamboo cup.

“You gave up on us!”

“Fuck you! If I knew youkai women were so damn cute, I'd have also started an insurrection!”

“It's not an insurrection, dumbass!”

“Doesn't change the matter at hand—she’s just so cute, man! Did you see those fluffy wings?! They're to die for!” Mystia blushed and giggled at the distraught man's words. Aki and Mochi grew uneasy with all the yelling and movement, Suzu the first to notice and, calmly, nudging Mystia to follow her to the quieter bedroom.

My eyes jumped from Keine's back to them, and I nodded to Suzu; she cocked her head to the side in confusion, eyes narrowed… “I'll be there in a second.” I clarified, and—flushed—she nodded back, leaving in a hurry with the three night sparrows.

Keine's face looked like a wall, while Mr. Hieda's eyes were full of rage and vitriol. “You're going to be the death of this Village, Devil!” With a trembling finger, he yelled, finesse forgotten at such harsh truths… She, surprisingly, looked hurt.

That's not the moment to be empathic, dumbass!

“… This conversation is over for now, Mr. Hieda—we'll continue it in three days. Farewell.”

As if relieved to hear such words, the samurai vigor grows tenfold, and they excruciatingly lead the fuming old man away. A symphony of booing, mean words, and demands followed as the entourage of twenty-one marched away into the night.

People soon flocked to Keine with high praises and wide eyes, asking to hear more of her ideas, ideology, thoughts or just screaming to see the 'cute youkai women'—geez, these are the revolutionaries fighting for our cause…? At least they're committed.

Keine's smile and thoughtfulness returned in full bloom the next moment, amassing the people for a hopefully short round of explanation and dissertation…

She tried to hide it, but when our eyes connected, it was easy to see near infinite tiredness. She was exhausted.

A plea swam there, too: “Later, please. I need to finish this.”

… I stared back for a long second, sighed, and, silently, went to check on Mystia and Suzu.

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