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>> No.19108895 [View]
File: 65 KB, 800x600, 61416044_p8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mods and cheating tools aren't mutually exclusive, and Custom AI does have some features that essentially breaks the game's rules (vanilla or plus). There is a fine line between the concepts of "convenience/vanilla+" and "cheating" mods because in the end they all exist to make a specific feature easier to work with, so this isn't a very simple "yes/no" topic either. And comparing Elona+ to cheating is a bit too much (even if that was your intention, it was a rather silly example). E+ pretty much is a whole new game created on top of an old one, new rules and all. As useful as Custom is, it still is just an addon for E+, not a whole new game.
That said, while I think that equipment description is very easy to read thanks to all icons and colors, I wouldn't mind if we had the option to "highlight" specific weapon attributes of our choice using the old artifact fusion icon. It would even add a bit of extra "flavor" to the item description (mostly because I really like that icon).

>> No.17825784 [View]
File: 65 KB, 800x600, 61416044_p8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right below Jure's non-existent tits.
Stealing goddess feathers in Jure's house to craft dakimakuras to Jure fanatics.

I believe this image is based on vanilla Elona, Itzpalt didn't had a proper avatar/statue back then (summoning him with a wish would give you a Kiwi in the japanese version) and Yacalect was just a placeholder lost in the game's code.

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