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Marisa said she'd set me up with a real winner yesterday. At least, I think she did. Whole day is sort of a blur. I've been aching all over today and I feel quite weak. Anyway, I got back from today's physical therapy (No Doctor Yagokoro this time, just, strangely, a team of rabbits. At least all the fluffiness was nice.) and then I met Marisa in the village square to see who this mystery girl was.
Where did Marisa even meet a Jizo? I didn't even know there were real Jizo girls around here. I thought that was just the Yama. Marisa said her name was Narumi and she was hoping to meet new people. Apparently she only came to life around that time when all the seasons got mixed up (Snow in Summer was nice) and she had mostly kept to herself in the Forest of Magic, so she hadn't been out much. She had a soft, warm smile and black hair separated into two long braids that came past her waist, and she wore a wide-brimmed hat with a buddhist poem on it, as well as a large grey overcoat that obscured her entire body all the way down to her ankles.. Interestingly, her earlobes were far longer than that of a normal human, so I guess that only confirms that she is, in fact a youkai Jizo. Not that I mind. Sure, most of the youkai girls I've met so far have hospitalized me, but I'm sure this will be the one.
I offered to take her sightseeing. If she hasn't been out of the Forest of Magic much, I imagine she's also never really walked around the village either. There's plenty of places to get to know someone here. I just hope my dear redhead waitress doesn't see me. My heart still pulls in her direction sometimes...
I took her all around the village for a lot of the day. We spoke about her magic and what she does in her spare time, which was nice. I didn't tell her about my last dates, but I did allude to my repeated hospitalization and told her that I'd probably be able to take her to Eientei with my eyes closed. I think I would get lost for a bit, but I didn't tell her that. Anyway, we walked out of the village later, and I decided to take her near the Ruined Mansion by the Misty Lake. During our time in the village, she mentioned that one of the first things she heard after being brought to life was music. coming from the distance, which I think must have been one of the Horismriver Ensemble's performances. They've really been going all out since that Raiko girl joined them.
For as long as I can remember, you could hear the sisters practising if you visited the Ruined Mansion by Misty Lake, but if you ever tried to enter, you might either see nothing at all, or receive the fright of your life. With this in mind, I thought that bringing Miss Narumi to one of those 'haunted houses' that I've heard of in outside world books from Suzunaan would be a good idea. I thought it would be a good way to become more comfortable with each other and maybe be a little of a bonding experience.
So, we entered. Luckily, it seemed that the sisters were in a playful mood, because it wasn't long before we started to hear crashes in the distance, and see things moving by themselves. Everything seemed to be going well.
Now, I didn't think to ask Miss Narumi how she felt about sudden scares. I didn't really think it'd be a major issue. And it probably wouldn't have been, if I hadn't forgot that she is the living incarnation of a statue. A very heavy statue. Things were going well...until we turned a corner and a bolt of lightning slammed into the ground right in front of us. This made Miss Narumi jump back, which meant she knocked into me, and I hit the ground. Then, with a second bolt of lightning, she tripped backwards and fell. On top of me. And that was all she wrote.
Six broken ribs, a punctured lung, a broken arm and some serious internal bruising later, I was discharged from Eientei. Miss Narumi was nearly in tears when I woke up, apologizing profusely. I just told her I was used to this sort of thing. It's probably bad that I am, to be honest. Doctor Yagokoro didn't seem the slightest bit surprised when I was dragged in. Or amused. Or anything, really. I'm not sure she even has emotional responses. She did say that she "Wanted some grey matter. For scientific curiosity." but I'm not entirely sure what that is, so I just nodded and smiled as I scratched a strangely itchy spot on my head.
I ran into Miss Hakurei on the way home. She almost let me pass, then prodded my in the back with her gohei. When I turned, she was staring at my head. I asked her what was the matter, but she told me it was nothing and to just get home, and stop causing her trouble. I apologized profusely because, really, she scares me, and then I left.
I'm starting to wonder if Marisa is doing all of this as a practical joke. Maybe I need to ask her for someone more...delicate. At this point, I'll take any date where I don't end up in Eientei.

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