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>> No.40491466 [View]
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I got into Noel and found out about Canan shortly after since on here they go hand in hand and I was ok with it at first because it was her choice and she's an adult who can make her own choices. But when she said she was starting a new plan to go lewder I started to get worried and then I saw the Macoto and Rizu stuff and I got more worried. I felt she was being pressured by chat to do this or something and I became a white knight concernfag but the more she talked about it and the more I listened the more I realized she was excited about it and wanted to do it.
So I came around and now I embrace everything about her, she wants to do this and she set boundaries, if she crosses those boundaries later? I'll worry about that when the time comes but she's an adult and if there's consequences to her actions then she'll have to deal with them. Canan stuff doesn't affect Noel streams for me, I can enjoy both and be happy. I sub, member, and donate to both and use them for their intended uses and enjoy her stream content, even the guerrillas streams where she just hangs out and works while chatting, they're nice. So if Noel does graduate, I can fall back on Canan because she would just start up her gaming channel and be an indie. It would be heartbreaking because she loves Hololive so much but if that's what happens she did it to herself. But Cover won't do shit because they don't interfere with the daily lives of their talents.

>> No.39812859 [View]
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>she mentioned how a gyuaru at school tried to set her up with a friend of hers and he rejected Noel without even meeting her
That case it was clear the boy was interested in her friend.
>Casually mention that he's single and looking for a girlfriend to a girl
Yeah, he wanted to get with the gyaru

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