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>> No.21132518 [View]
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The second half of the video features the Joker, complaining that Kemono Friends Project is awful while "true friend" (a derogatory term for fans who generally sided with KFP in the wake of Tatsuki's dismissal) Batman beats the shit out of him trying to get him to take it back. If the first half of the video was about the season itself, the second half is itself about the drama and online shitflinging that surrounds the season. What a mess.

"Mein Fuhrer, if you don't like it, couldn't you just not watch it?"
"Shut the fuck up! I fucking hate it! I haven't even watched more than a few scenes here and there!"
"Then, why are you so mad about it?!"
"I could easily ignore it if it were some derivative work but it's the fucking OFFICIAL version!"

2/19 Der Fuhrer appears to be upset about KF2 episode 6 (https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm34660004))

- You can tell people were extra mad about this one because there were two Hitler rants about it in one day. This one just goes totally ham on Kemono Friends season two for representing a bad end to season one (Kaban and Serval separated, Serval's memories erased) and generally making a complete garbage fire of things, copy-pasting all the appearance while retaining nothing that made it good, and having cognizable explanation for being the way it is other than that the writer simply hated Kemono Friends. At some point Der Fuhrer just degrades into a pitiful bargaining wreck, which I guess was how it was in the original. What a series.

Chaser: Hitler reacts to Kemono Friends S1.

"What were fan's reaction to Serval and Kaban-chan's touching reunion?"
"Mein Fuhrer... Serval didn't recognize Kaban-chan. Not a trace of their companionship could be seen."
* Hitler removes glasses.
"Everyone who felt sick when Kaban-chan treated Boss like an inanimate object, leave this room at once."
* Everyone files out.
"I can't believe Serval is FUCKING DEAD."

2/20 (Reupload) Nomurish Kemono Friends First Half (https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm34661026))

- Finally, a break from the negativity that seems to have been seeping into things... and of course, it's yet another super overdue season one video, this time Episode 1 dubbed over in "Nomurish". Explanation: Around the time of Final Fantasy 7, the character designer for FF changed from Amano Yoshitaka to Tetsuya Nomura, at which point in time the term "Nomurish" was coined to make fun of some of the unique notions and styles that he added to the game. Fast-forward nearly twenty years (oh god where does the time go) and the term lives on, one spinoff of which is the "Nomurish series" adaptation where characters are dubbed over with lines that could have come out of FF7. EG, Kaban's "don't eat me" gets translated into "Don't eat me like some common beast! Instead, fight with me to change the world!" and so on. The entire episode (well, the first half here) is rendered into this kind of absurdity.

And finally, the last video of the week:

2/22 Theory of Kaban-chan being the mastermind Part 2 (https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm34671584))

The first part of this video series theorized that Kaban was not Kaban-chan at all, but what if this is the real Kaban-chan, whose body has been hijacked by some malevolent entity? After all, she seemed to have SOME reaction to Serval, so does this mean her memories are still there? This, plus a cavalcade of observations about points in the show that didn't seem quite right, are piled on top of each other to the support the theory that the thing inside Kaban has been pulling the strings the whole time.

- Kaban has been observing Kyururu the whole time
- Kyururu is a memory-wiped cyborg created by Kaban by fusing human and machine
- Kyururu's "house" is the place she lived in the outside world before Kaban got her
- The unusual behavior of the other Lucky Beasts, such as talking to Friends, is because they are Kaban's experimental creations

(Nobody ever does explain, as far as I can tell, why Lucky Beast can talk to Caracal when they don't normally talk to Friends. There is an alternative theory where Caracal is secretly a human. Wild.)

And then, sadly, it's revealed that this whole theory is an extended farce. "Honestly I don't think that the people who made this actually thought it through this far." Followed by an even WILDER conspiracy theory, in which Kaban and the owls are identified as part of the Tatsuki faction and made evil, and all the members of Tatuki's unauthorized animation 12.1 are sarcastically called out when faced with a バス敵 Cerulean of their own. If you couldn't laugh you would cry.

Anyway, that's it for the first half of the second half of February. I won't be able to finish off February by tomorrow but I'll try to get it in a few days. I feel like I've done more talking about the series itself than talking about the videos about the series which isn't quite appropriate for this venue will try to keep it in mind.

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