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>> No.42035939 [View]
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Schedules were made and became iron clad rules, as the days alternated you were going from spending quality time with Reimu where she clung to you and tried appealing to whatever feelings you still held with her to the wild experiments with Marisa and personally tailored lesson from Kasen which left you enriched. Marisa took you and started teaching you magic and alchemy much to Reimu's disapproval and Kasen taught you the harsh lessons a hermit learns and helped forge your body and mind in an effort to regain your oldself. With all your heart you wanted too remember Reimu as the one that gave you the most but after the first year or so of pure love you shared you couldn't remember anything but the years of pain and loathing which in the end was only remedied by the love Kasen and Marisa shared with you during your short but eventful stay at Kasen's senkai.
Despite winter coming into itself properly as per this time of year and the sky being more gray and overcast then in the autumn months the gray seemed less intense then it used to be by a smidge. The cold wind that more often then not held a flurry or two of pure white snowfall didn't seem to penetrate the shrine with its biting chill either as the monotone that threatened the world was stopped at the paper walls. Today was one of Reimu's days to watch you and despite the girls often hoarding you to themselves it went without saying that a lot of the free time you all shared was spent in the familiar living room of the shrine chatting and sipping tea under the Kotatsu that seemed to sap all the will out its residents.
As it was Reimu's day the jealous miko was clinging to your side often trying to engage you in conversation you didn't care to carry on much as the rest of the girls aside from Aunn ignored Reimu almost pointedly. Aunn engaged with Reimu perhaps feeling sorry for her while Aunn was practically submerged into the kotatsu, something thats become a habit ever since she gained her human form, and became Reimu's emotional support despite the manifest weariness that showed in Aunn's eyes as she looked at her. Perhaps out of habit but when Reimu started seeming about to breakdown from the paradoxical isolation in the crowded living room you stroked her shoulders or held her hand tighter allowing her that much needed relief from the hole she dug for herself over the years which resulted in everyone close to her abandoning her.
The morning passed quickly after everyone filtered out to get up to their own devices and Reimu herself had you in tow as she did mundane tasks no one else was willing to help her with like snow shoveling and upkeeping the shrine. You could tell she was growing ever more dependent on you in the short time the girls she once called friends started openly trying to make their moves on you and the memories of her desperation in preventing your suicide were fresh. Back when your relationship was new and again before your failed attempt at ending your life Reimu was happy enough letting you take one task as she does another but now it seemed that she won't let you out of earshot and seemed to fumble over herself at every word you said in a scramble for any bit of attention you'd give her despite the mask she thought she could wear around you. Soon enough the snow along the path to the offering box and leading to the residence was cleared enough to satisfy the needy miko and as you put the shovels away into the little auxiliary shed with her and she pulled you aside before you could walk out. With a bashful and somewhat desperate expression on her face she whispered as if someone could be listening in at any point, "Hey Anon... You know we don't really have much privacy at home anymore so would you want to... do it in here...?". Reimus face flushed a bit as she glanced at a relatively clear table stored away and you face remained rather impassive despite the pang of lust that seemed to flare up despite not feeling anything approaching it for a very long time, you knew after all that Reimu and the other girls were treating you like a piece of meat at times in the way they've been stealing glances at your body and all but openly inviting you into their futons when you've been all but forced to sleep in the same rooms as them as per the agreement they made amongst themselves.
Returning her blushing gaze with the tired emotionless mood you've found yourself rutted in you could only ask, "Do you really need to do that sort of thing now?" which seemed like a splash of water on Reimu as she couldn't keep herself calm. Her eyes turned watery as she held herself back emotionally, "A-ah no of course not, if its a bother its fine! Really I should've known that you wouldn't be in the mood considering...". Reimu moved with embarrassment out of the shed and you sighed inwardly, for better or worse you were her husband and this was but one of your duties in the end so you scooped her up making her yelp and you placed her on the table butt first.

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