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>> No.5824841 [View]
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That wasn't me. Hosting:
Getting worse!

>> No.5312808 [View]
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Good games, luc. It's been a while.

I'm trying to level up Suika now.

>> No.5277593 [View]
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Good games, p1p. You use Komachi's coin well.

The way you play reminds me of abba. Rehosting!

>> No.5021455 [View]
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Good games, not a.a. Your absurdly non-aggressive playstyle reminds me of someone I used to play quite frequently, but I can't quite put my finger on who it is. At any rate, that's enough mistakes for one session. Next time I'll try to keep a tally so I can record my new high scores.

>> No.4997385 [View]
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Apparently someone made a new thread: >>4996921

It wouldn't work out very well; they'd probably be really stupid matches.

Oh /jp/, always exaggerating.

>> No.4820003 [View]
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I hope that's getting clothed at some point.

>> No.4537382 [View]
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This game is ass.

>> No.4487461 [View]
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Sorta like the desert. The difference between the Mines and the Desert is that the desert is complete ass. At least the Mines are tolerable.

>> No.4399793 [View]
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It is seriously worse than WoW. That, in and of itself, is bad enough. But it takes that shittiness to a whole new level, it is uncountably many times as worse as WoW. I thought that WoW would be bottom of the barrel since it's so shitty, has a shitty community, AND it costs money; I never thought it'd be possible for a free game to completely out-do that fucking triumvirate of terribleness.

But Allods dared. Some games are bad enough that they lower the bar. Allods fucking steals the bar, breaks it, throws it in the trash, and then somehow expects you to be satisfied with the final product.

>> No.4361967 [View]
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Unless you have to run all the way across the map and the quest requires that creatures drop a certain item. Then it can take upwards of 30 goddamn minutes.

Because PizzaClub is special.

>> No.3553646 [View]
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I hate this game so goddamn much.

>> No.3479627 [View]
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Worked out alright for me, since Vita has reddish hair anyways.

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