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>> No.40761254 [View]
File: 98 KB, 685x1024, consider the following.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, the screeching im seeing on instagram is pretty clearly calling him a nazi. half the time they are editing it or saying "those people from ww2 germany" cuz apparently it is appalling just to say nazi now.
meh, i enjoy watching people melt down and say they are gonna sell all their smart dolls. i mean, it will flood the market for them. my only hope is that some of these people screeching and leaving are the ones we didn't want here anyways.
we really need to get over some of this stuff. i grew up when nazis were a punch line. now all i see are people who freakout at an obscure reference of their uniforms and by doing so, give life to the idea.
anon, i know what you reference, but i for one make sure my ladies are clothed. sure it may have a flirtatious tone in some of their outfits, but my DD and SmD all maintain clothes in public lol. i had a gf who would lewd them and i wasnt thrilled with it. im not raising plastic thots in this house!
it'll pass. this is a fleeting moment we will all look back at and have a good chuckle. its like this anon says \/
this, and enjoying the screeching the ones after him are doing. it's always fun watching two neighbors you don't care about get into a screeching fight.

>> No.32901915 [View]
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>> No.22934060 [View]
File: 98 KB, 685x1024, consider the following.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

considerate of what? i see wretched people neglecting their children, screaming at their loved ones, flipping people off in traffic, hear on the news people murdering each other on a minute by minute basis around the world. who the fuck cares about these assholes when what any of us are doing are not having any affect on them or anything involving them. youre the kind of snowflake that can fuck right off cuz "omg person does thing i dont like! i should go harass them on an anonymous message board!" you can take your shit attitude and shove it up your ass. all i see are weird fucks who cant even take care of themselves but insist their smarter than i am running around all day being entitled little shits acting like they run everything and people they dont like should be skewered. theres a perfect place for you fucks and its at the end of a fucking rope. carrying the dolls around is no different that some stupid bitch carrying her stupid ass thousands of dollars tiny purse around, some asshole who acts like hes from compton, or some uppity asshole who walks around in stupid flip flops all day on his way to get his stupid ass frappe. there is nothing wrong with taking dolls out in public. PERIOD DUMBASS.

yes i have, didnt realize i was coming here for a dick measuring contest but why the fuck not i guess. ill refer you to some of the previous arguments ive made including the one i just gave to asshat in this post. what does self-awareness have anything to do with anything? what im doing by carrying around my dolls is no different than someone carrying their fucking poodle around, their damn starbucks, some boomer driving their mustang, some football fan wearing a jersey, or any other dumb shit you can think of. i dont care what other people do. i cant stop people from running around acting like assholes all day. i just avoid them and dont give a fuck. i dont care if im the weird guy to them. what does it benefit me to become friends with someone or be in a relationship with someone just to have to surprise them with my fucking hobbies one day and then suddenly they dont like you or arent sure who you are anymore? ive been there, it doesnt work. people will always judge you based off what they want their world to be and i dont care to have any part of it. everyone i care to know personally, knows who i am, what i am, and what kind of person i am. if anything, the dolls are an excellent shit test to see if someone is even worth keeping around since its a hobby i quite enjoy, id rather not have to deal with them not liking it down the road. so please, explain to me how im the aloof asshole?

fuck this shit... fuck all of you... i came here for cute doll pictures.


>> No.19268000 [View]
File: 98 KB, 685x1024, consider the following.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those grown men out in the park at the same time of night might know each other.
If not, they ...might get to know each other.

>> No.18400338 [View]
File: 98 KB, 685x1024, you must be fun at parties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


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