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>> No.46858939 [View]
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Slightly surprising Hana, Sanae was able to switch between that seemingly airheaded persona and the motherly side she knew and admired without issue. She had a feeling she got the abbreviated version, but the plan was simple enough. Once the signal is struck, her friends and Okina’s cronies would start their attack to distract the guards and cause chaos. Once the big guns started moving around; Reimu, Mima, Yuuka, and the other heavy hitters would make their move.

Though Hana didn’t understand what a ‘big kaboom!’ meant, she figured her excited friend meant there was to be a signal. That was when the fireworks should start… whatever that meant, and Hana and some other surprises should show themselves. Passion aside, the plan seemed solid to Hana’s mind, it was to be an all-out assault where they’d rush into the damned building; smash it up to cause chaos for the filth there, then have… Aya? Rush into scoop Anon up and get out before things get too dangerous.

It sounded flimsy and a little complicated to Hana, but she couldn’t find anything to poke a hole in; nor was it her place really. Still, if Sanae is vouching for them, and Kanako has even more tricks up her sleeves she’d have to trust these Youkai with her father’s life. Her friends may be good, and she’d trust them no matter what… but having riff-raff youkai flood the village to do damage control? Letting so many hostile youkai run amok without warning anyone? A cold pit started forming in her belly, one that she wouldn’t let show; if it was all to get father out…

Before she got lost in the void of her worried mind, she heard Sanae’s voice grabbing her attention. She blinked as she Sanae tilted her head to the side, “Hana-chan? Did you hear me? I was asking if you had any questions, did you get enough sleep?”

Sanae reached over to the table at those words, brushing some hair into place where it got loose. Closing her eye for a second, Hana enjoys the of Sanae’s palm and realized that she might just be tired still, judging by how she wanted to use it as a pillow. Either way, Hana responded with a bit of forced energy in her voice, “No, but I’m fine. It’s just a lot to take in… I’m not sure I understand everyone’s plan, but if all I have to do is help fight, I can help break down any barriers!”

The energy in her voice seemed to fool Sanae at least, her mother’s face was more unreadable, as always. Setting Sanae with a smile, she tried ignoring her mother’s seemingly grumpy eyes. They did discomfort her normally, but right now she didn’t want to think of her and Kasen fighting to the death. Dragging Kasen’s family into this and forcing Hana to fight them after so long, mother jumping at this suicide mission… Hana kept the smile on her face as she tore her eyes away from her mother’s figure.

She’d have to do something about Kasen, it was her fault that Kasen was brought so low, her fault that Kotei was taken prisoner… She felt guilty, but didn’t let it show on her face, she didn’t think she had what it took to fight her, but there must be another way…

Chuckling in a way that strangely annoyed Hana, Sanae smiled at her words, “that’s right, all we need you to do is help and take down any traps we might miss. We’re counting on you!”

Hana felt a bit dissatisfied, like she was being brushed off to an extent. Crazy of course, this was Sanae we were talking about, but if she just didn’t want Hana in danger then of course she would put her far from things… With the decision that Sanae was just being too motherly, Hana decided she wouldn’t push for more. She’d just have to do things like the incident resolver she has to be, quietly and directly…

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