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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.47043880 [View]
File: 2.85 MB, 991x1500, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_spacezin__82c2bd39bff6f67bb6a6c96c0a50abc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This language is so foreign and difficult to understand but I am trying my hardest. I really want to learn.
I tried to learn Russian in college and because of the similarities to romance languages you find yourself imparting English tendencies onto your speaking and writing. In Japanese I have not considered trying to do that.
I am having more fun learning this language than I figured I would.

>> No.44838966 [View]
File: 2.85 MB, 991x1500, Reimu attack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just inherent writefag autism I think, aside from the times I phonepost when i'm comfy in bed i've used several images that I probably used while writing other stories.
I've even been doing it since before I was 2hufag or a writefag so I suppose I always had it in me

>> No.41747428 [View]
File: 2.85 MB, 991x1500, Reimu attack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back when you first hung out with Reimu after the banquet that changed your life you were invited a few times to join her, Marisa, and assorted friends on their stand crawls, and you held your own well enough despite how long they ran. Tonight that wasn't your plan, instead the other day you paid off Marisa to take your overstressed wife out, forking over enough keep even three people fed and watered till the last of the stands closed. It was a surprisingly hard to convince her, Reimu was committed to her patrols and often too tired after, but you were able to convince her to call it a bit earlier and go out with Marisa "like old times". For tonight you made a small and easy meal for yourself with some onigiri kept wrapped up in case the girls were peckish. For the first time in awhile you were happy about the future, if there was anything that could lift Reimu's spirits it'd be this much needed break and time out with her friends! You hummed to yourself as you stepped out of the bath ready for bed just after changing into your Juban, it'd be lonely sleeping by yourself after so long but there was nothing to do about it after all. It was just as you were preparing the futons for the night when you heard the sliding doors to the living room open, It was early for that as even though you weren't going to bed early you knew that the stands and taverns weren't closing for a good while yet as it would only be around midnight by now. You didn't hear the sliding doors close again and you were growing a bit concerned until you heard the intoxicated voice of your wife call, "Anooooon! Where are you?!" her voice sounded angry surprisingly and rather more drunk then what the time of the night would normally dictate. Bewildered you called out back to her as you moved towards the living room, as you moved into the living room you saw a drunk miko pacing back and forth, there was no sign of the blond and black witch.
It took Reimu a second to notice when you entered, her face red from the booze and tears in her eyes, although those tears seemed to be angry tears of barely suppressed rage rather then sadness. In a voice that despite its drunken tones was anything but amused she started yelling in a voice loud enough that you worried would wake Aunn, "How could youuu! How could you tell Marisa about that! The last thing I wanted was herrr of all people to find out!". For a second you didn't comprehend her words and stared blankly but she continued on despite your silence, "I didn't want that tooo happen! I didn't! What do you think i'm a bad person for not wanting to hurt youuu again?! Huh? is that it!!?". Worry clouded your thoughts and you approached trying to calm her down your voice apologetic, "I-i'm sorry I told her only because I thought it'd be good if you could talk it out with her! I just wanted you to be able to talk about it with someone!". Reimu didn't care about the reasons, she was far too gone at this point in her anger and shame to really consider your words, "I DIDN'T want toooo talk to anyone about it! What do you think it'd make me feel better if I admitted i'm some monster that would break their lovvver?! Is that what you think I am after alllll? so you go running to Marisa to comfort you?!". It was hard to keep up with the accusations spouted at you but you had to say something, trying to keep your voice down but failing from the anger at what was implied you rebuke your jealous lover, "You know thats not what I think at all! how could you even say that?! I'd never turn to someone else like that!". Reimu's anger reached a fever pitch as she yelled at the top of her lungs, "Like helllll I know that anymore! you damn liar you didn't see how pitied she me like that like I wasss some violent animal!"
It was then that she leapt forward, she was like a wild cat in her lunge and you barely had a moment to react. You still remember your bewilderment at the time, you didn't know what to think and despite your sober mind you didn't think to try to block anything, nor that you had any reason to fear either as you almost blankly witnessed her hand rise up its arc seemed graceful despite the drunken state of its owner and not holding back any strength due to her furious inebriation she struck you across the face sending you to the ground with a strength thats cowed gods. You only vaguely remember what came after due to passing out and the grogginess but you weren't out for long as fresh and sharp pain woke you back up, you remember hearing the voice of your once sweet wife twisted in a rage that you'd never thought you'd see. You remember that she hit you again at least twice across the face before grabbing you by the neck of your robe, lifting you and throwing back down like a rag doll on the fortunately semisoft tatami mat, you remember her getting up and shoving a kick into your belly before sitting down at the table and simply staring at you. You could do nothing but stare in dazed horror as you lay there.

>> No.39486916 [View]
File: 2.85 MB, 991x1500, 86541953_p14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK Buhitter
>hurr random images from an artist's gallery will just be missing... because reasons!

FUCK whotwi
>Takes forever to load
>random website crashes
>can't turn off retweets

Why can't the Japanese make anything that work right? Fucking seething right now. Just when I thought I found the solution to "not having to scroll forever to see the artist's media gallery" I'm back to square one.

>> No.39390336 [View]
File: 2.85 MB, 991x1500, 7543422196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get ready, she's coming for you.

>> No.34474601 [View]
File: 2.85 MB, 991x1500, 2b663d11d3645aecc4b00f3b4c67a098d3cbb092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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