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>> No.41678856 [View]
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After the festival you felt like a teen again, which was status quo for Reimu you remember amusing yourself thinking. You naturally couldn't help yourself and neither could Reimu, it seemed that when you and Reimu were alone you could barely keep your lips off each others which in hindsight seemed entirely juvenile especially by the outsider romances you knew but neither of you were in a rush.
It was one of the rare days Reimu bothered coming to the village but even a shrine maiden needed some supplies every now and then and you were surprised but delighted to see the eye catching miko as you yourself browsed the stalls at the market. Already grinning like an idiot you wave and call out loudly to Reimu, and you both jog up to each other like excited kids. No words need to be said and you quickly take each others hands as naturally as the rain falls. You and Reimu mostly made small talk about this and that and whatever silly thing pop into your heads. Before you knew it was noon already and you were carrying a sack of rice over your shoulder while Reimu carried a few odds and ends in a paper bag, you knew she was heading to the gates but you couldn't let her so soon after meeting and you invited her to your place with a, "You know i've been trying out some new recipes I think you'd like, would you want to take your lunch with me?". You knew Reimu would be happy to but it didn't help to use the best bait you knew, and with a soft smile, she teasingly said, "I suppose if I must keep my needy boyfriend company I will~".
With those words you lead the way to your abode, it was nothing impressive like even a family home but it suited a man who lived alone and it wasn't long until you found both of you inside and Reimu made herself comfy on your kappa made recliner you commissioned as you got her some chilled tea served. "Ahhh~ I need to get one of these, hey don't take too long cooking or i'll fall asleep you know" you smile and respond, "If you fall asleep I might just eat you instead of making dinner you know?" Reimu smiled at that blushing but not backing down, "Then i'll just have to seal you~" and in a small voice not ment for you, "not until were married..". You knew that sometimes you have to pretend you didn't hear what people say so you let it slide and start cooking. The smell of spices and cooking food fills the air of the small apartment and you swear you hear a grumbling stomach that out of politeness sake you ignore.
That was when things got a little... odd it was like walking through syrup and everything seemed to slow and in the kitchen one of the most terrifying things you've witnessed since coming here manifested, a split in space filled with eyes staring deeply into your soul. Soon enough you were entirely frozen only able to move your eyes, hearing nothing from Reimu you assumed she must be frozen too and out of the gap in reality stepped a women you've never seen before, wearing an old fashion western dress and frankly silly hat. She strode confidently out and with an unreadable face and said in a ringing voice, "So you're the one that captured her fickle heart? Ah of course you can't reply like that, no need to fear, here talk" and like you were thawed out you could suddenly move but that did little to calm the terror you felt but barely suppressed. With a shaky voice you answer "I don't suppose you're here to kill me, so how can I help you?" with an eye catching flick of the wrist she brings up a fan to her face, "How observant of you indeed I am not your death. Tell me has that girl told you about me, the ever watchful administrator of this land, Yukari Yakumo?" a bell finally rung in your head, "Not much good i'm sorry to say". A giggle that washes over you like warm water hits your ears, "That sounds much like her, but I'm not the one that you need to be wary of, I do truly care for that girl so consider me a concerned parent." "Then I assume that your business is that you wish for me to stop seeing her then?". With a smile that for a second seemed genuinely pitying for but a moment she replies, "No i'm here to warn you that sometimes darkness lies in the oddest of places, that girl lives a hard life and you being a distraction will be a boon. However you may not like your fate...". Perhaps it was pure bravado but you replied, this time with the shaking in your voice gone, "Whatever will happen to me I'll accept, i've decided that I will stay by her side no matter what." Yukari simply gazed into your eyes sighing, "If thats the path you choose then stick with it, i'll tolerate nothing less now that you've made a promise with me." It was with that she stepped back into her split in reality and time seemed to resume, you turned to Reimu who seemed drowsy despite herself and nodding off. You realized belatedly that you'll have an interesting conversation over lunch today, but no matter whatever warnings you knew you'd stay by her side forever and that day was the day you truly decided this.

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